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Urara's POV*

I wake up in the morning preferring break fast as I was done preferring my parents got up

And dine together at the dining table and eat our break fast.

After our meal I rush up and get ready for school it takes long enough to do my make up. My parents doesn't like it if I show up outside, they say I was too pretty so I have to cover up. I know they're abnormal.

As I was done I'm ready to rush of to school

Minutes pass by I was in school. As I was in the room I saw a boy 'oh someone is earlier than me' I said to my mind then I sit at the back besides the window even though that boy is my seatmate

I open my back and get my book to read.

Minutes pass by our teacher is here "good morning class I'm Mrs. Cruz Luceyra" Mrs. Cruz said


Good grief it's lunch time I'm getting hungry. I open my bag and get my lunch box and eat

I was enjoying my lunch then stop and look at my side seeing the boy is not eating

"H-hey are you not hungry?" I said then


The boy just blush in shame so I open my back and get something and it was my extra lunch box

"H-here have my extra lunch box" I said giving him my lunch box. The boy just look at it making me confused

"Thx" he said getting my lunch box and open it and started to eat 'I hope he likes it 😓😓😓' I said it to my mind

"A-ano..... Does it taste ok?" I said

"No" he said making me disappointed 'e-eh?! What I'm gonna do?! He don't like it!' I said

"It's better than OK, it's good" he said blushing I was surprised and so happy that someone likes it

"Hey what's your name?" I said smiling

"Casval, I'm Kinmura Casval.... Just call me Casval" he said

"Nice to meet you Casval I'm Tsayumi Urarasagi, just call me Urara" I said smiling

Casval's POV*

'Hmmmm she's different I say.... She's not a nerd' I said to my mind

"Hey who cook this?" I said. "Me" Urara said

"You cook this? It's delicious" I said making her smile

"Thank you I never though somebody would like it" Urara said.

"So you cook for your boyfriend too?" I said making her surprised

"N-no..... I never thought of dating someone, besides, in the end he will just leave you behind making you speechless and wonder why does he leave you, did you make something that he don't like it or did something wrong to make him angry" she said with a sad face

'I think she already love once' I said it to my mind "you already loved right?" I said making her look to me

"Yea, back then" she said with a sad voice I don't know what to say but I felt her pain


The bell rang as a sign that lunch time is over and back to class


I look at her reading a book again then someone called her name

Urara's POV*

"Urara!" I looked to who just called me and it was....


"Zura hi!" I said with a cheerful voice then she walked towards to me "let's go home?" She said then I nod

"Casval want to join?" I said to him making him look at me

"No thx" he said so I said "OK"

Me and zura walked together. While walking, Zura talked a bunch of topics, she's very talkative but that makes her my best friend I cannot be me again if I didn't met her.....



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