Chap. 37 Treasure Hunting (Glacialis)

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Naisha's POV*

We are now in Glacialis. it is wintery here and cold, but good thing I'm an Ice user, the cold never bother me anyways~~

"so where could be find the gem?" I asked. "let's try in the ice cave, under the Mt. Blizzard" Urara suggest. "why there?" Casval questioned. "just a hunch" Urara said, Casval didn't spoke, so we are heading towards the Mt. Blizzard

We prepared our geers. We are not ready to climb on the mountain towards the cave.... It was really hard for us to climb up, because of the heavy blizzard here.

"I'm beat up!" Gaishi shouted, still struggling on climbing. "shut up! We are also tired!" I shouted back, panting a lot. It is so cold and risky, but we need to do our best and over come this mission.

"hold on together guys! We are almost there!" Urara shouted, I saw how confident and hardworking she is just by climbing up with courage. The first time I met her, I envy her so much, I felt the magic power around her that makes her interesting and eye-catching.... She is mysterious.... In deed...

As we finally got in the cave, we are panting a lot. "let's all rest for today" Urara said panting. "no! We need to go right now!" Casval said angrily. "you can't force them to go! We are all tired, Casval! We all need rest! Gems don't run anyways!" Urara said and stared at Casval sharply.... She is right.... We are tired... So tired and we badly need rest. Casval didn't spoke and just closed his eyes

Urara sitted and rest, as we do the same thing..... Darkness swallowed us into a deep slumber....

And so I thought.... A glimpse of a light blue light blinding me. "Naisha, it's time to go" it said. As I heard it, I was alerted and thought this is it... My time to train... I followed the light

I opened my eyes so see an unfamiliar place. "Naisha, it's training time" that voice I heard a while ago said, I turned my back and saw him.... I am ready....

Urara's POV*

As darkness swallowed me, I opened myself, seeing myself drowning in the deep sea

"you are almost there, Urara" Usagura said from my back, I don't have to look back... Cuz I know.... It's her. "what do you actually mean? I don't get you!" I said. "you'll know soon" she said.... I am eager to know what is her reason for this things, and the things that I was meant to find out for myself.... I want to know so badly....

I keep feeling the fang inside my heart, like it wanted to go out.... I want to know who I really am.... And what I really am.... What's my purpose... What's my role.... What did I forget... And what I had before....

I opened my eyes as I felt someone is calling my name while shaking me. I saw Zura "what?" I asked. "I think... It's Naisha's time" Zura said. I looked around just seeing all of them are already awake, and Naisha... Who is gone missing

I sighed. "where should we go next?" Naguwi asked. "Aeris" I said. They looked at each other and nodded their heads except for Casval. I don't know why.... But.... Casval became cold after he got separated to Ranusha.... Is she.... Really that important to him?

I felt a fang in my heart...... My heart aches..... I guess.... I still love him..... Hah.... One sided love....


Days have passed... Still ne sign of Naisha... Gaishi became worried. "Gaishi, Naisha is strong! Believe in her!" Zura comforted Gaishi as always. "but what if.... Something happened to her???" Gaishi asked worriedly. "believe in her" Naguwi said.

I walked away from them and went inside thee cave, exploring. This is what I do this pass few days. I am standing in the middle of this glassed ice, reflecting my image. Every time I stare at the iced mirror, I always see Usagura.... White long hair, Crimson red eyes, white soft skin, and as same height as me.

I stared at my reflection, remembering my first encounter with Usagura. She is comparable to Ranusha. Simple but beautiful.

I closed my eyes and feel the cold breeze inside the cave. I heard foot steps so I opened my eyes and look at my back, only to see Zura with a smile. "Naisha is back" Zura said smiling, I smiled back and went back to them with her.

I saw Naisha crying while hugging Gaishi tightly... She may be crying but.... It's not a tears of sadness... But tears of joy. I smiled at the sight

Naisha felt my presence soshe look at our direction and rush towards me and hugged me tightly. "I trained hard! I'm so happy to be back with you guys again!" She said, making me smile. I'm glad to have her back

"next... Aeris" Casval said, making us nod our heads. We skated down the mountain and continue our adventure....


Author~san: so... Uhhh.... Sorry for the long long long update..... I became busy nowadays and.... Sometimes.... no wifi TT^TT) ANYWAYS! HOW ARE YOU GUYS? AND OH! PLS LOOK FORWARD FOR THE NEXT UPDATE! and sorry for my grammars 😂😂😂

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