Chap. 25 Who are you?

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Prince Mugi's POV*

"may i borrow my sister for a minute" i said then my mom just nod then i sign my sister to follow me as i started walking she just followed me silently until we got to the garden where my lil Hime always stays when she want to relax and have a peaceful place to lay down

"Who are you?" I said as i started the conversation "what do you mean, brother?" She asked confusedly "who are you?" I asked again "what are you saying, brother?" She asked again with her confused face "stop the act! You are not my sister and you ever will!" I said more like i shouted "w-why are you rising your voice?" She said as she almost going to cry "where's my sister?!" I asked coldly. Call me heartless but i'm also merciless in come to my sister

"W-what do you mean by that, brother?" She said as tears fall dpwn to her ckeeks "you may fooled my mother and the others but not on me!" I said coldly "then.... i'm not her" she said "then you are you?" I asked again but she stayed quiet "why are you pretending?  Who do you serve?!" I asked "i only serve for Princess Usagi and King Matsugi" she said making me surprised

"My dad?" I said still shocked then she sigh "i'm a prisoner here long time ago" she said making me confused "then the came when Princess Usagi went to the dungeon... as she saw me she talked to me.... i felt happy because of her then we became friends.... that's when i promised myself to serve her with all my life" she said with a smile then looked down letting her bangs covers her emerald green eyes "i was destined to die..... but Usa~Hime gave me one of her life source..... my green hair turn to white hair..... then.... the war came.... Usa~Hime went in to the dungeon and freed me.... she said i'll go with king matsugi and stayed with him when she's not around.... i obeyed her order then went towards King matsugi..... as king matsugi saw me he smiled at me amd said 'are you the person who's my daughter always talking to me?' Then i just nod then joined the fight with him..... as the war ended he kept me and be his trusty maiden.... i promise also to serve king matsugi.... then he ordered me to pretend to be Princess Usagi and go here" she said

"What's your name?" I asked "Emerald Usagi-leif.... the name that Usa~Hime gaven me" she said "no i meant what's your name before my sister gaven you a name" i said "like i said my name is Emerald Usagi-leif" she said "gah fine" i give up "do you want to see Usa~Hime? " she asked making me stare at her then i just jod "she's here" she said making me look around "are you making fun of me?" I said "no i'm serious" she said so i look around once more "she's here" a voice spoke so i look at my right and saw granny

"Where?" I asked "right beside you" she said and i look at my back and saw a group of teenagers but the girl with black hair and blue eyes just like my father's normal eyes caught my attention "i'm back oniinii" she said with a smile then i hugged here immediately 'My Lil Hime' i said to my mind then tears started to build in to my eyes "i missed you so so so much!" I said then she chuckles "i miss you to oniinii" she said then a white haired boy caught my attention "naguwi?" I said then he just smile at me "hey! Good thing you still remember me" naguwi said then i chuckled "wait" i said then break the hugged and look at her "are you the girl that i met in the town?" I asked then she jist nod "i knew it! So that's why i felt i knew you!" I said

"Oniinii" she called "hmmm?" "Do you remember this necklace?" She said then bring the necklace out and i saw the dragon necklace that mom and dad made for her, Of course i also have a necklace that mom and dad made "why would i forget that necklace? It's symbolize that you are the real princess" i said then she just smiled at me

"Ummm oniinii this are my friends" she said "Hi i'm Naisha!... Sayurie Naisha princess of Savierie Hamie and the my Clan..... Savarie" a purple haired girl said "hello I'm gaoshi!. Hasuya Gaishi prince of Garamis Sinus and my Clan is Semus" a red haired boy said "i'm Kamiguchi Zura princess of Fuichi Nagutan and my Clan.....Lollichi.... pleased to meet you prince Mugi" a yellow haired girl bowed "Prince Kinmura Casval prince of Navial Shutûro... Clan.... Claws" a dark blue haired boy said coolly

"Have manners!" Naisha whispered to casval then i just chuckled "it's nice to meet you all! A friend of my Lil Hime is a friend of mine too" i said with a smile "heh let's inform Queen Mayuri about this!" Naguwi said then i just nod then we head back to the throne room. As we enter they bowed down "hey! Are you the girl i met in the enchanted garden?" Mom asked to Lil Hime then she jut nod then took out her necklace then my mom got surprised and hugged her with tears in her eyes "i missed you sl much mom!" Lil Hime said then Emerald began to explain to mom on why she's pretending and because my mom is kind of cpurse she accept her apologies "hey Emerald can you continue to pretend?" My mom asked then emerald just nod "no! I won't allow her!" Lil hime said then Ememrald stopped her "Usa~Hime pls let me pretend, it's for your own sake" Emerald said "that's why it's dangerous!" Lil Hime said "pls Usa~Hime!" Emerald pleaded then in the end she just agreed

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