Chap. 30 Treasure Hunting Part 1

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Naisha's POV*

THIS IS ITTTTT!!!!! I can't wait to be at the bulletin board and see who will be my team mates! Altho, I wanna be with my friends and also with...... Gaishi....

I waited for Zura and Urara... As they finally got here, we headed at the center hallway where the bulletin board is.... A lot of students are already around at the bulletin board

Too much excitement within me, I even push someone just to get through..... I roam my eyes at the bulletin board to see who will be my group mates


Group 6 (name)

Tsayumi Urarasagi
Hasuya Gaishi
Sayurie Naisha
Kuntaru Naguwi
Kamiguchi Zura
Kinmura Casval

"Yay!" I said while jumping. Some students are staring at me while I'm jumping like an idiot but some of the students didn't care

"wew..... So we're a team, now ey?" Urara said out of nowhere. "I guess so" Zura said while looking at the bulletin board "I can't wait!" I said cheerfully

We walk towards the cafeteria and eat there..... A little minute pass by and it's already 6:36 P.m..... The HeadMaster decided to let us camp at the oval, so that tomorrow will be the start of our journey

We already fixed our tent at the oval.... Me, Zura, and Urara are already lying in one tent as Gaishi's tent is just in front of ours, he is with Naguwi and Casval

"how about truth or Dare?" I heard what Gaishi say so I stand up and walk outside and sit down besides the opening of our tent "mind if I join in?" I asks and smiles at them

"sure!" Gaishi said and spin the empty bottle, it pointed to Casval..... Naguwi smirked "truth or Dare?" Naguwi asks

"truth" Casval said without hesitation.... I saw how Naguwi grinned "tell the truth, who is your biggest crush?" Naguwi said while smirking, I giggled so much 'ayyyyiiiieeeee hope he admit!!!!!!' I said to my mind

I saw Casval glance the inside of our tent, I glance at the back and to him then I noticed something. I smirked

I crawl towards Urara and Zura that is quietly lying down, I keep poking them but it seems like they are really asleep. I sit besides the opening of the tent and faced them

"they are asleep" I said and they just nod. Me, Gaishi, and Naguwi look at Casval. Casval gulp and sigh

"Ranusha" Casval said making my jaw drop, Gaishi was just nodding, while Naguwi froze while looking at Casval, still processing what he just said

"o-oh I see.... W-when and how did y-you meet her?" Naguwi said "aren't we going to continue the game?" Casval asks boredly. Naguwi shook his head and look at Casval seriously

Casval sighed "fine" he said "I met Ranusha when my best friend from the orphanage got finally adopted... I was left alone at the play ground, Ranusha came and cover the emptiness inside me, as I went high school... She came to me and confess, and.... I think I like her too" he said

Naguwi gulp and just nodded his head,while I'm still in shock 'Meh ship!!!!!' I said to my mind

"you think?" Gaishi asks making us look at him with confusion written on our faces "he said, 'I think I like her too' does that mean you're not sure?" Gaishi said

'yown! Good one Gaishi!! That MY man! XD' I said to my mind while giggling

I glance at Casval and confusion is still written on his face. I yawn and look at them with sleepy eyes "I'm going to sleep, I'm sleepy" I said and crawl inside the tent and lay down and sleep


I woke up excitedly. Urara is waking up and so as Zura..... We started to pack our things including the tent

"OMG!!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!" I can't help it I'm jumping in excitement again!

"gather up students!" HM said so we all gather up.... Every groups he gave us one piece of paper "your missions... Will be written in there" HM said

We began to walk outside the Academy and walk into the woods.... Ranusha is with Makoto's group

All the groups splits as we finally opened the peice of paper "find the 6 gems of De discrimine fletu" I read it out loud

"6 gems of what? And where could we possibly find it?" Gaishi said "De discrimine fletu means Tears of Crisis" Urara replied

"wow..... How did you know?" Gaishi asks and Naguwi also look at Urara unbelievably. Urara shrug her shoulders "I-i don't know.... It just came out from my mouth..... I-i really don't know...." Urara said

I turn my gaze at the paper "it also written here the places where we can find the gems" I said making them look at me, waiting for my continuation

"Galaxie, Atlantic, Terra, Aeris, Glacialis, Flacara" I said "this following places where you could find the gems" I added

We all look at each others eyes and nodded our heads "then, let's hit the round!" Zura said with the hint of excitement in her tone

"GEM! HERE WE COME!" Gaishi said with full of excitement... We began to walk, our first destination is Terra! X3

We continue to walk, it's actually far "c-can I pee?" Gaishi asks out of the blue.... We look at him unbelievably "w-what?" he said like he was holding something with sweat formed from his forehead

"then go pee" Naguwi said "anyone who's thirsty?" Gaishi as out of the blue again

"me I'm thirsty!" I said and I saw Gaishi smirk "good, you can drink my pee if you want" Gaishi laughed so hard and it made me froze 'yuck!' I said to my mind

Naguwi smack his head "it's not good to talk like that to a girl" Naguwi scolded Gaishi

"yiiiieeeee gentledog hahahhahahaha" Urara laughed, Naguwi pouted "Ewww stop pouting you look like a duck" Urara said and burst out laughing. Naguwi mess Urara's hair

"atleast I'm still hot, right Zura?" Naguwi said and look at Zura. As he saw Zura blushed, Naguwi lick his lower lip.


"ahem ahem" Casval said and look at Naguwi and Zura and walk away "I can't hold it anymore!!" Gaishi said and run away, I bet he is going to pee

I chuckled..... This adventure is getting more and more interesting!

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