Chap. 64

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Casval's POV*

I woke up and saw myself sleeping on the grass. I looked around hoping to find her, but I didn't saw her. I felt a fang in my heart

"Casval? Good morning!" Naisha said as she woke up, I just look at her coldly and swift my eyes away from her. I am not in the mood to talk. "Tsk, so early in the morning yet you are so cold to me!" she said. I sighed, I was about to stand up when I heard a familiar voice

"good morning" I look back and saw her. I rush towards her and hugged her tight. I don't know why, but I just feel like I want to hug her tight and never ler her go. "c... Can't... Br-bre-breathe" she struggled so I broke the hug. "ahem... First thing in the morning and yet I saw two lovebirds doing lovey dovey and worst,you guys did it in front of me" Naisha complained and rolled her eyes on annoyance.

"you and your imagination.... Can't friends hug each other?" Urara or should I say, Criză said and chuckled. Then there's this familiar pain in my heart after what she just said. Naisha looked shocked and felt uneasy. "uhh ummm OK" Naisha said. "oh! I brought food with me!" Criză happily said as she showed a basket on her hand.

"food?!?!" Gaishi yelled out of nowhere and rush towards Criză. He stared at the basket and drolls. Criză laughed. "yup! Food!" she said with a smile. "come on! Let's eat!!!!" Gaishi said happily. "wake them up" Criză said. Gaishi rush towards Zura and Naguwi who are still sleeping.

"WAKE UP!!!!" Gaishi shouted, making Zura and Naguwi wake up immediately. "gahh! So early in the morning and you are shouting loudly!" Zura said in annoyance. "I wake you guys up because I'm really hungry!" Gaishi said and pouted. I looked at him with disgusted. "stop pouting, you look like a duck" I said with disgusted all written in my face. Gaishi rolled his eyes as the others are preventing theirselves to burst out laughing.

Criză stopped herself from laughing and gaze at us seriously. "after eating, you need to go back to the academy" Criză said. We all looked at her. "you mean 'we'" Naisha said. Criză tilted her head sideways. "I can't go back yet...." Criză said. "then I won't go back in the academy unless you will come with us" I said with furrowed brows.

"the academy needs you" she said. We look at each other and gaze back to her. "the academy can handle it if there's trouble, there's so many strong magicians in Vasania Academy anyways" Gaishi said, Criză tilted her head sideways again. "pls try to understand... They need you" Criză said and looked at us one by one.

"alright" Naguwi said. We looked at him. "but--" Naisha was about to complain when Naguwi cutted her sentence. "no buts, we need to go back in Vasania academy as soon as possible.... I have a bad feeling, that something is going to happen" Naguwi said and looked at us seriously. Naisha and Gaishi nodded their heads as an agreement

We start eating our food without talking. The blow of the wind are all we can hear. I gaze at Criză who is gracefully and elegantly eating her food. She noticed my stare and stare back at me. Her red sparkling eyes, her white silky hair, her white skin that looks so smooth, her pointy cute nose, and her pinkish lips that always tempted me to kiss it. I want to taste its sweetness. I gulped hard as I was staring at her lips.

"ahem! Ants are coming towards us! Can you stop the staring thingy!" Naisha said. We looked at them who are staring at us. "too sweet that I almost puke" Gaishi said bitterly. "I ship the both of you" Zura said as she giggled, Naisha giggled too, while Naguwi just smirked and Gaishi who is looking at us bitterly. I heard Criză chuckled.

"what a wide imagination" she mumbled that we couldn't hear. "what was that?" Naguwi asked while smirking. I guess he heard her. Criză looked at him and just smiled then continue to eat again. "so, what does your parents look like?" Naisha asked. "pretty and handsome" Criză said and chuckled.

"I mean, describe them" Naisha said and pouted. "my mom has a white hair and golden eyes, while my dad has purple hair and red eyes... They are cool, gentle, loving, humorous, and caring" Criză said while smiling. I saw how her eyes sparkled more when she talks about her parents, I can feel the joy and love as she talk to us about her parents.

'you finally experience a life with a parent' I said in my mind as I stare at her happily talking with our friends. "I wish I could experience a complete family" Zura said making us look at her. Tears began to build in Zura's eyes. "do you mind telling me your story?" Criză asked as she held Zura's hand. "my grandmother hated my mom for she is a daughter of a dark magician and she is also a dark magician. As soon as my mother gave birth to me, my grandmother kicked her out of the castle. As I grew, my father became so distant to me, like he wouldn't even look at me and said I look just like my mother. When I was 4 a friend of mine in the castle said, since my mother got kicked out of the castle, she always come back and beg to let them see her daughter, my friend told me how much my mother loved me... My friend stole a picture of my father and mother and gave it to me, that's how I know what she look like" Zura said as she cried. Criză hugged her.

"how much wealth you have.... You can never experience happiness in money nor in a luxurious life if you don't have a family that is always be there for you, to be your shoulder, and to express their love and care for you" Zura said. "you guys need to go" a familiar little voice said. We looked at her. "Stea" Naisha called.

"I said, you guys need to go back" Stea said as Criză stood up. "you need to go back to the academy now, we will see each other again soon" Criză said and walked towards Stea. "what?" Naguwi furrowed. Criză ignored what Naguwi was about to say, Criză held Stea's head and they walked away and then disappeared.

Author~san: who really is Stea? what really happen to Criză? And What does Casval feel for Criză?..... hello everyone!!! Anyways! I have nothing to say sooooo.... See you guys in the next chapter and have a good day or night everyone!!!

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