Chap. 24 imposter

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Casval's POV*

"I know.... Beshy"

I still can't believe what she just said.... i heard it load and clear.... are you? Are you her? Pls be her! I'm dying to see you again Beshy.... i know our call name sounds gay but i most obey her...... i remember the first time i saw her


I was walking with my mother when we stop by in the orphanage. May mother and a woman is talking to each other so i walk around here and found myseld at the playground. I saw a little girl sitting on the swing by herself so i walk towards her and i think she notice me and look at my direction

"Hi" i said "hello" she replied "may i know your name?" I ask starting a conversation "Urarasagi" she said "oh.... my name is Casval" i said introducing my name "nice to meet you" she said then smile


Is this?..... I just heard it from my mother if my heart beat fast and a girl is the reason and if i felt butterflies is my tummy it means i'm in love.....

"Is there something wrong?" She said with worried in her eyes "o-oh nothing" i said "can we be bestfriends?" She said making me smile "hai!" I said then we laugh "can we call each other Beshy?" She said

'Sounds gay but she's my first love so.... ok' i said to my mind "ok" i said then she hugged me >\\\\< "casval!" My mom called to she break the hug "bye" i said "bye come by and visit ok?" She said and i just nod

~end of flashback~

"Still remembers me huh?" I said to no one then let the darkness take over me


I was walking in the hallways "morning!" Said gaishi while walking towards me with urara

"Did you heard the new?" Naisha said out of the blue "what new?" Zura said "we are having a new transferee" naisha said "really?!" Urara said then naisha just jod. As we got in to our classroom and sat dpwn on our respective seats our teacher arrived

"Good morning class.... as you just heard we are having a new student" said out teacher "come in" she said and the door opens and then saw a girl with White hair and emerald green eyes

"Hi nice to meet you all! I'm Princess Usagi Shigura.... the long lost princess" she said smiling then the classroom is full of crowd. I looked at urara with a shocked face. As usagi sat down in front row the teacher began to discuss

~time skip, lunch~

We are here in the cafeteria "what in the world? Who is she?" Naisha said "i... i don't know.... i don't even have a twin sister" urara said and you can see in her eyes full of confusion and questions "now this gone stupid" gaishi said

"Naguwi" urara called and looked at naguwi "i don't know either!" Naguwi said "wait wait wait" naisha said getting our attention on her "why does naguwi knows this than us?" Naishi said making us look at naguwi and urara

"Because im her cousin.... the truth is my mother is Miya Shigura, Queen Mayuri's sister" naguwi said making us shocked "so who is that new transferee? " Zura said "i really don't know" naguwi said "this is so confusing" Gaishi said

"Im going to see granny" urara said and stand up and so as us and we went in the forest and to my surprise the barrier let us go inside

"Granny" urara called then Queen Elaine appeared "yes my dear?" Queen Elaine said "who is the new transferee?" Urara said making Queen Elaine confused

"There is someone naming herself Princess usagi and she have white hair and emerald green eyes" naguwi said "what?" Queen said confusedly "this is so giving me a headache" naisha said

"I need to see my daughter" Queen Elaine said "but you kids need to come with me" She added then we teleport at the center kingdom the Castle De Vania

We walked in the castle and as we finalky got in the throne room queen elaine cast a invisible spell on us. You cannot see, or hear, or feel our presence. Then queen elaine entered the throne room and so as us "Did you really found the princess?" Queen Elaine said to Queen Mayuri who is sitting on a fancy golden throne

"I don't really know" mayuri said not sure "then where did you found her?" Queen Elaine said "in the forest" Queen Mayuri replied "did you scan her?" Queen elaine said "we didn't" Queen mayuri said "what?!" Queen Elaine said can't believe on what she just heard

"She have a white hair who is only our blood line can have" Queen Mayuri said "but having a white hair doesn't mean she is really your daughter!" Queen Elaine said. Then a gaurd opened the golden big door and saw the imposter walking inside in the throne room "im home" the imposter said smiling

"Welcome home sweety" Queen Mayuri said with a smile on her face "mom pls she's not me!" Urara said with tears in her eyes. good thing no one can hear us but i felt pity on her "hey couz" naguwi called and hugged her 'psh i want to be the one who well able to hug her!' I said to my mind felt a little jealous

"But she is not me and always not me!" Urara said still hugging naguwi then the golden big door opened and saw prince mugi entering the throne room "i'm home" prince mugi said "welcome back" Queen mayuri said still wearing her smile

"Welcome back brother" the imposter siad then prince mugi rise his right eyebrow but shrug it off "thank you sis" he said with his bored tone "i knew sh's an imposter!" Urara said "oniinii pls pls pls notice me!!!" Urara said and walk besides prince mugi "my dear i know he already notice that she's an imposter" Queen Elaine's voice said but only us can hear except Queen Mayuri, Prince Mugi and the imposter

"But he shrug his inner instinct!" Urara said "fulfill your trust on your Brother, My dear" Queen Elaine's Voice spoke again then urara just nod "may i borrow my sister for a minute?" Prince Mugi said then queen Mayuri just nod "follow them" Queen Elaines voice said then we just nod

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