She's not a nerd?!?!?!

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Zura's POV*

I wake up in the morning to surprise Urara to her house.

As I was arrived at her house I was surprised that she lived in a mansion

'Oh my she didn't tell me she's rich' I said to my mind

I ring the bell

*ding dong ding, ding dong ding, ding dong ding*

Then a maid walks towards to me "ummmm who are you?" She asked "my name is Kamiguchi Zura and urara's best friend" I said

Then the maid opened the gate and let me in

"Ummmm where's urara?" I asked. "She's in her room" the maid said then a room just slammed

"Aunt Nana" a girl said walking down and stops as she look at me


Then I was shock to see.....


Urara with no pimples and thick glasses

"Zura?" She said with her shock face. "Urara is that really you?!" I said still in shock

"A-ah Zura pls don't tell anyone about this pls" she pleased so I just nod 'oh my she's so beautiful....why does she make herself a nerd? Even though she's so beautiful' I said to my mind

"Anyway zura why are you here? Do you need something?" She said

"Will I was going to invite you to shop with me" I said then she smile

"So what are we waiting for bes?" She said smiling at me so I smiled back then nod

Then she go up then changed her clothes.

Then as we arrived at the mall, all the attention is on us then I checked urara but she even didn't care to the people around us

She looked at me "zura want to buy clothes?" She said smiling then I just nod then smile

~time skip~

We really have fun for our shopping and now we're going home

~time skip~

Urara got home then I got home too. Then I drop myself on my bed and thinking

Urara is so beautiful and I'm still wondering why is she faking to be a nerd?

But even she's faking I still see her as my friend she's different from them

I'm happy when I'm with my best friend Urara

She's kind, beautiful in and out, cute, cheerful, she likes to smile, she's smart, and her eyes sparkles everyday even she's with her fake nerdy face she still sparkle

Then a minute pass by I fell asleep


Hope you liked this page mi'nna

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