Chap. 45 Evil Blood Running In Our Veins

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Naguwi's POV*

My mother told me to prepare because we are going to visit in Castle De Vania.... I really wish I can say 'I don't want to go' to my parents, but I'm afraid they are going to ask me why.... Like why would I want to go there?! Going there means I can see that Arrogant princess.

"Naguwi, are you done?" I heard my father asked from outside my room. I opened the door and nodded my head. We went to Castle De Vania... Fortunately, I encounter my friends

"hey, Gaishi, are you OK?" Naisha asked. "yeah" Gaishi responded. "I hate her!" Naisha said. "I agree" Zura agreed and I nodded my head saying I also agree. "now I am missing Urara" Naisha said making us in a deep silence.... Until the Arrogant princess came

"hey" she approached with a smirk. "you really like smirking huh?" Naisha asked with her arms crossed. "obviously" the Arrogant princess said and rolled her eyes

"let's just not make a scene" Casval said coldly. "enjoy the party" the Arrogant princess said and walked away. "she's getting in my nerve!" Gaishi said. "I really hate her..." Naisha said

"we can't offend her, she's the princess of Castle De Vania after all" Zura said. "but it doesn't mean she can look down on the others and think highly of herself!" Naisha complained. "Zura is right, we can't offend her" Casval said

"let's just enjoy the night, everyone" Ranusha butted in. Naisha rolled her eyes and looked bored but followed to where Ranusha, Casval, and Gaishi are going, while Zura looked bothered. I approached her. "seems like something is bothering you" I said, she looked at me and smiled. "I just miss Urara" Zura said and followed the others.

Usagi's POV*

I walked towards our garden where everything is peaceful. "why are you here alone?" a familiar voice said, I turned around and saw the guy earlier. "Makoto?" I called, he bowed down. "it's a pleasure to be remembered by the Princess of Castle De Vania" he said

I smiled to his manner. "who really are you?" I asked, he looked at me with his attractive eyes. "I know that's not your real form" I added and smirked, he chuckled. "tell me... Why are you hiding your identity?" I asked

"hmmm.... It's a secret" he said. "a secret ey?" I said and walked towards him. "princess, aren't you afraid? Now that you found out about me and we are all alone in the garden" he said. I stopped in front of him

"hmm... You won't dare expose yourself so soon.... And I know.. Just by looking at you, won't even dare attack me" I said seductively. 'I am really attracted to you, Makoto' I said to my mind

He smirked. "sorry princess... Even if you shout to the whole world how attracted you are to me, my heart is already stolen by someone" he said. "oh~ a mind reader" I said seductively

"I am not a mind reader... I just noticed your expression towards me" he said and smiled. "you are really interesting" I said. 'I want to have you' I said in my mind

He sighed. "I better go" he said, but I wrapped my arms around his neck preventing him to leave. "I'm kinda lonely, won't you accompany me?" I said seductively, he tilted his head sideways.

"a lot of people love to accompany you, maybe you go ask them?" he said. "Makoto, everyone hates me" I said and pouts. I stared him in the eyes seductively. "being seductive can't win me" he said. I laughed at his response

"tell me, who's this girl you like? Maybe i can do what she can do to win you over" I said, he tilted his head sideways. "you are you... You can't force yourself to change for someone like me" he said and smiled. His words really hit me.

"have a good night, princess" he said and hold my hand and kiss the back of my palm before leaving me. I smiled. 'I am certain to love him forever and I will... Definitely going to win him over!' I said in my mind

'if I can't have him... Then... No one can' I said to my mind once again and look at the starry sky. "it's good to be back in my own realm... I wonder how is that brat doing in her dimension?" I said to no one. Two people I took interest.... Urara and Makoto... You really got my attention...

~other side~

Someone's POV*

I'm monitoring them in my crystal ball. "oh~ your precious princess is truly back" I said and faced Matsugi inside the cell. "don't you dare lay your dirty hands on my daughter!" He shouted. "oh Matsugi, your daughter is not the only one I want to lay my hands, I will also get your son and the other elemental pests" I said and laughed evilly

"I won't let you!" he said. "oh? What are you going to do? Chanting the other dimensional princess to save your precious daughter again? You are just like me Matsugi.... Selfish" I said and laughed at his reaction

"as a father, I will do anything for my child! Eve---" I cutted him off. "even if you risks someone's life and let her live in lies? HAHAHHAHAHA that's called selfishness, Matsugi, we are really related by blood" I said

"on second thought, go chant her back so I can lay my hands on her too and become UNSTOPPABLE AND POWERFUL!" I said and laughed loudly. "the other dimensional princess will surely defeat you!" he said. "you are relying on her too much, yet she is just a weak little girl, such a father you are" I said

"I don't want anyone to harm my daughter!" he yelled. "so you are substituting someone and watch her suffer and live in lies for your daughter? Hahahhaha, I guess even you married to the Queen of Castle De Vania, she still can't purify your evil veins running in your blood" I said

Author~san: dun dun duuuunnnn!!! Hmm I was wondering how's Urara and Lumine doing 🤔🤔🤔 and what is Makoto's secret?! 😮😮😮 Ummm guys? Who is your ship again?? Should we build a new ship?! Or it won't sail? 😉😉😉

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