Casagi Momets

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Urara's POV*

I was in the maze garden, sitting on the bench I sigh deeply "have a problem?" I look up to see who's talking in front of me "Casval....." I said almost a whisper

Then he sit besides me "I don't have a problem.... Why so curious?" I said rising my right eyebrow "why do you care?" He shot back

Then I became silents.... "Have you kissed someone?" He questioned and that make me shock and my eyes got widened

"What? Cat got your tongue?" He said " I haven't kiss somebody" I said "then maybe that I will be your first kiss" he that make me turn to face him but then he kissed me


Then he break the kiss and I can feel that my face is red like a tomato then he chuckles "I should go now" he said then he wink at me then he walk away 'oh my gawd!!!!!!!!! Mah first kiss!!!!!!' I was panicking so much, my heart are racing my blush got crazy 'like oh my gawd!' I said to my mind panicking about my first kiss

Then I calm down myself and touch my lips and smiles still blushing

Casval's POV*

'WHAT ON EARTH DID I DID?!?!?!?!' I yelled in my mind still blushing madly  "hey are you ok?" gaishi said worriedly as he saw my red face "y-yes I'm fine" I said looking away "you sure?" He said then touch my forehead "you don't have a fever" he said

"I'm fine" I said then Urara's Face pop up in my mind 'she's so beautiful *shook my head* stop fantalizing!

"Hey you ok Casval? You're not in your usually self!" Gaishi snap out

"Tsk" that's the only thing I can say

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