Chap. 53 Love That I Cannot Express

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Casval's POV*

We are peacefully sleeping until a loud explosion happened, making us wake up immediately. "THE DARK MAGICIANS HAVE ENTERED THE BORDERS!! I REPEAT THE DARK MAGICIANS HAVE ENTERED THE BORDERS!!" The speakers around the corner loudly announced. I changed my clothes and went out.

"first thing in the morning is this?! Can't they get enough yesterday?!" Gaishi said out of frustration. "they are in advantage! A lot of students have been injured yesterday" Naguwi said. We went straight to the oval and saw everyone gathered there. The headmaster began to grouped us and went to the assigned borders.

"Ranusha!" I called Ranusha and held her hands as I saw her. "everything will be alright" I said to her and smiled at her, she smiled back. "you can never ever beat us!" a dark magician said. "let's see!" a schoolmate of ours said. We began fighting, everything is so messy, exchanging magics, blood everywhere. In the corner of my eyes, I saw Ranusha, standing and watching us fight

My brows got furrowed. Ranusha noticed my gaze and looked at me, she smiled. I was about to go near her when a fist punched my stomach really hard making me stumbled on the ground. Even thought my vision is getting blurry, I saw how Ranusha sided with the dark magicians. A lot of my schoolmates are on the ground.

"Princess Ranusha?? What are you doing?" a schoolmate of ours said stuttering. "fools!" Ranusha shouted, she smiled at us like we are an animal trying to fight a holy being. "you fools! You really think no enemy can enter your pathetic academy? Guess what, we got all we need from your academy so we will take our leave" Ranusha said and disappeared with the dark magicians. I looked around and half of my group mates are dead and bathed their own blood. While others, including me, are seriously injured.

I can't believe I got fooled.... I thought she loved me... I thought she's special... But she's a traitor.... I am lost in the dark again, full of grief and sadness... Wrapping me, it's suffocating....

Naguwi's POV*

We are fighting against the dark magicians in the east border.... We are seriously injured but continue to fight. I was about to kill a dark magician with my air spear when the dark magician spoke. "Naguwi... Are you really going to kill me? Where's the Big brother I know back in the orphanage?" he said as he took off his hoodie and his mask revealing a familiar face. I let him go as I remembered him.

"Zhack" I called. "I thought you have forgotten about me? Ne big bro, look around you" He said with a wide smile. I looked around and noticed, that 6 of the dark magicians are from the orphanage back in the mortal world. "are you going to kill us? I thought you are our big brother and you promised you'll protect us with your life.... Are you breaking your promise?" Zhack whispered to my ears. I cannot speak nor move. "goodnight" Zhack said, I was about to turn around to face him when he smashed my head with something hard, making me fall on the ground bleeding. I saw how Zhack smirked and walked away. 'I treated you.... Like my siblings... Why...' the words I want to say as I closed my eyes from dizziness.

Naisha's POV*

I now facing a dark ice user, we have been fighting for hours now. But the only difference is, I am covered with scratches and bruises while my opponent doesn't even have any scratches nor bruises. "you are still weak as ever...... Sis" my opponent said. 'wait... That voice...' I said in my mind. "don't you remember your own big sister?" she said as she took off her hoodie and her mask, revealing her silky purple hair and her lovely icy blue eyes. "Big sis Naomi...." I called as tears began to build in my eyes. She smirked and kicked me, making me roll on the ground, she stomp my stomach with hatred in her eyes.

"you are so disgusting... I am older than you yet the throne chooses you!" She with full of hatred, she kicked me again and watch me catching my breath. She walked away leaving me bloody on the ground. My tears started to fall, as guilt wrapped me. Yes, the throne chooses me to be a pure blooded royalty and soon-to-be Queen of  Savierie Hamie Palace. When she knew about this, she tried to kill me but a guard stopped her and protected me. Our parents was so upset to her. She left the Palace without a word...

'Sister... Even if you are like that... I will always love you from the bottom of my heart... I wish we can be like the siblings in mortal world... They are fighting, but they love each other to the point they want to protect each other... When can I ever experience such a sisterly love from you?? I will wait for that day to come' the message I want to give her before closing my eyes and let darkness swallow me into a deep sorrow and loneliness...

Zura's POV*

I froze as soon as I saw her... Her shiny blond hair and her attractive emerald eyes....... My mother....

When I was born and the throne chooses me. My dad's mother couldn't accept my mother because... My mother's parents are both from Umbra De Noctis Palace, where dark magicians' live. My grandmother kick my mother out as soon as she gave birth to me.... I only knew her from her pictures with dad

"I finally saw you... Mom..." I said to no one and went near her, she noticed my approach and blocked me with her dark water magic. You'll know who is dark and who is light... When their magic are darker than the original color of the magic, they are born to be a dark magician. "M-mom... Don't you remember me? I-it's me your.... Daughter" I stutter as my tears start to fall fall down. I saw how her eyes got gentle as she shut her eyes.

"I don't have a daughter! Don't go near me!" She said as she release a water ball towards me making me stumble away from her. She walked away leaving me on the ground. I'm lost.... All I ever.... Is to have a complete and happy family... It's really hard to grow without knowing your mother.... Yet all you can do is just stare at her picture, wishing to see her and embrace her really tight....

"mom..." I called once again before closing my eyes because of tiredness..... 'I just to have a complete family... I want to see my dad smile and be happy again.... I want to experience a life with a complete loving parents...' a message that I have been keeping from a very long time....

Gaishi's POV*

As I was fighting with my schoolmates, I spot two familiar people from the dark magicians' side. "Big brother George? Big sis Uira?" I said unbelievably. I went towards them, they noticed my approach and they looked at me. "big brother??" I called, he punched my away. I was so confused. "little brother... I'm sorry" my brother said.

"Little Gaishi... You've grown so fast" Big sis Uira said. "little bro... I Cannot lose Uira again... When I found out that Uira is a dark magician, I sided to them... I just want to be with my girl" my brother said. I was about to say something when my brother blasted me away. I hitted the hard ground making me spit blood

"I'm sorry Little bro... We will see each other again" my brother said as he walked away with big sis Uira, leaving me on the ground... Speechless.... My vision became blurry then I pass out.....

Author~san: that's all for now.... If your wondering who is Uira... Uira is Urara's foster sister back in the mortal world... The question is... Urara saw Uira been killed in front of her, so how is she still alive?? Know more to the next update everybody! Have a great day or night guys!!

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