Chap. 35 Treasure Hunting (Atlantic)

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Zura's POV*

WE ARE NOW HEADING TO ATLANTIC! I'm so Excited! Atlantic is under Fuichi Nagutan Palace.... I remembered when I was just a little girl, I would always visit Atlantic, I made a lot of friends there

I was so dazed that I didn't noticed that we are already at the seashore of Atlantic. "so.... How can we find the gem when we can't even swim???" Gaishi is the first one to speak

"we have an water user and an air user, idiot" Casval said with his cold voice. "why are you so pissed? I was just asking" Gaishi said. Casval ignored him

"so what are we waiting here for?" Naisha said so I casted my bubble spell around their heads, except me since I'm already a water user, I can breath under water..... Naguwi casted oxygen in the bubbles, we dived in the water and search everywhere

"atlantic is so wide" Urara said. "Oi Gaishi, why aren't you searching for the gem?" Casval said with his pissed tone. "we don't need to find the gem, let the gem find you" Gaishi said. "what the heck do you mean?" Casval said pissedly

"Gaishi is right, maybe we don't need to find the gem, maybe we should let the gem find us or Zura" Urara said. "Zura???" Naguwi asked, Urara nodded her head. "now I get it" Naguwi said

"I know where we can stay" I said and swim as I feel their presences following me

~minute pass by~

We are now in front of a castle, some merman, mermaid, and fishes here know me. The guard of the castle bowed their head down as I swim pass through them

"what brings you here? Look how much you have grown" Aunt Tina said. "Thank you Auntie, this are my friends, we are here for our missions, to find the discrimine fletu gems" I said, I saw how my Aunt reacted, her face is terrified.

"is there something wrong?" I asked worriedly. "whatever you do, don't go to Galaxie land, it's dangerous!" My aunt said. "dangerous? Can you tell us what's its history" Urara spoke, my aunt seems hesitating

My aunt sighed and said, "Alright, sit down children". We sat on the floor and wait for her to start

"long ago, Galaxie land should be the land of stars, it's the only land who doesn't have day nor Sun, it is always night.... Orban said, Nyx also known as Nox, the goddess of Night once live there.... Galaxie is a very majestic land, you could always see beautiful stars, also meteor shower and shooting stars... But... Since the war and the lost of the princess of Castle De Vania and the lost of.... Let's just not talk about the other dimension.... Anyways, since that day, the Galaxie land became misty and the stars cannot be seen anymore, it said that the Galaxie is been covered with illusions but you can feel it real, some says, it shows the forgotten past that is dear and precious to you" Auntie said. Silence took over the place

"other dimension? Other realm???" Urara broke the silence, Auntie seems like having second thoughts. "y-yes" Auntie said. "what about it?" Urara asked. "you will know soon, you will all know.... But not now, not today, wait for the right time...." Aunt Tina replied and swim away

Since that talk, I can't be able to sleep, it's like there is something big we still haven't discovered. As I can't sleep, I went out of the castle and stayed at the Clam garden, it's where you could find a lot of clams, there's big ones and small ones, it is also colorful

"Zura" A unfamiliar voice spoke, I look around, but no one is here "Zura" I heard it again. "who are you?!" I said terrified. "come here, don't be scared" the voice said a big purple clam opened and there was a glowing gem in it. I swim towards to the clam and reached for the glowing gem

In a small noticed, I teleported on a small island "where am I?" I asked to no one. "you are in the middle of nowhere, but you are here for a purpose" The same voice I heard calling me said. I turned around and saw a man with a white fitted Shirt and a boys' swimwear. I could see his sixpack abs through his white shirt

"on w-what purpose?" I asked him. "To train" he replied. "train me?" I asked and he nodded his head. "let's begin" he said

Naguwi's POV*

I knock on the door woke me up, I opened the door and saw Urara's worried face. "what is it?" I asked. "do you happen to know where is Zura?" Urara asked, my eyes widen "what do you mean?" I questioned. "she's not in her bed, and I can't find her anywhere in the castle" She said. "how about outside the castle?" I asked. "Naisha did" she said

"don't panic maybe the gem trained her" Gaishi said, making me and Urara turned to face him. "what do you mean?" Urara asked. "back at the ruines, the gem called me so I dove and reach for the gem, then I teleported to somewhere, a woman appeared and told me, I was there for a purpose, then I asked 'what purpose?', then she said that I am there to be trained by her" Gaishi said, making me and Urara exchange gazes

"is she safe?" I asked, and Gaishi nodded his head and go back to bed. "you should go to bed too" I said to Urara and she nodded her head

She swim away, as I swim back to my bed and sleep hoping to see Zura tomorrow


It's already morning, me and the others waited for Zura, we chatted and chatted, as we still keeping our guards up, in case when Zura appears right now

"I miss Zura already...." Naisha spoke, breaking the silence "oh! Urara! What does that boy in your dreams look like?" Naisha said out of the blue, I saw how Urara blushed with a wide eyes. "ahem ahem, do you know something that you didn't tell me?" I said as I stared at Urara seriously. Urara looked down, and I know what she meant, she doesn't want to talk about it. "I won't force you" I smiled, she raised her head and smiled and said, "I'm sorry". I just nodded my head


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