Chap. 49 Troubled Naisha

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Naisha's POV*

Yesterday, I got something from the shadow and a sealed book from Urara's room. It really bothered me a lot. Anyways, today is school day... Great... "Naisha are you ready?" Zura asked from outside of my room. I opened the door and smiled at her. "yup" I said

I went to our classroom. We chatted for a bit until the teacher came. "line up everybody! Go get change, we are going in the arena for a spar" our teacher said. We lined up and went to our lockers and dress up into our p.e

"great.... Sparring" I said and rolled my eyes. "aww sparring makes our abilities stronger, so don't give me that gloomy face of yours" Zura said and chuckled. After changing, we headed towards the arena. As we got sitted. "don't trust so easily" a voice whispered to my ear. I looked at my back and saw the only person who walk pass me is


"hey are you alright?" Zura asked as she patted my shoulder. I looked at her and nod. "let's start the battle with Arika Mizaki and Luna Miyahara!" Mrs. Alonzo said as the students who have been called went in the battle field. Arika is an air user, while Luna is a light user

"who'd you think will win?" Ranusha asked. "I'll pick for Arika" Gaishi said. "Luna" Naguwi said. "I'm voting for Arika" I said. "arika" Zura said. "how about u, Casval?" Ranusha asked. "it depends with their tactics" Casval responded

"I'm fully sure Luna will win" Naguwi said. "how can you be so sure?" Gaishi asked. "secret" Naguwi said. We focus our gazes in the battle. Arika floated and released air blades, Luna dodged all the air blades in a blink of our eyes

"what?" Gaishi reacted. Arika released an air cut towards Luna, but Luna jumped and went Arika's back. I am shock.... Did she just teleported?. "what... Just happened?" Zura asked confusedly. Luna kicked Arika's back and winned. "told you guys" Naguwi said.

"how did..." I am still shock, how did she teleported to Arika's back?!. "I'm so glad my hunch is right about Luna winning" Ranusha said and giggled. "light users have unbeatable speed, not even wind itself can defeat its speed. In case you haven't noticed, Arika didn't moved when she saw Luna jumped,it is because Luna secretly blinded Arika with light above the ceiling. That's why Luna got the opportunity to seek onto her back" Naguwi said.

"Nerd alert" Gaishi said. Naguwi glared at him. "if Luna have unbeatable speed, why did she even blinded Arika for?" Casval asked. "us air users can feel presences that surrounds us, not just our surroundings but the wind going around freely. That's why Luna blinded Arika to distract her from feeling Luna's presence.... Even light users have unbeatable speed, then air users can easily feel their hot presence" Naguwi responded

"impressive" I commented. "nahh, it was Urara who taught me... Now that I mentioned it... Since we we're still kids, she keeps talking about light users, Water users, etc. And also abilities.. Like she already knew" Naguwi said and his brows furrowed. "so all your knowledge about the abilities are all came from Urara?" Ranusha asked. "yes, their advantages and disadvantages" Naguwi said

After the long long battle, the headmaster gave us 2 hours to fill our belly, since it's already noon. "Ranusha, I haven't saw your magic yet" Gaishi said while munching his food. "you'll know soon" Ranusha said with a smile. I saw Makoto walking out of the cafeteria. Right... It's time to ask him. I stand up and walked away ignoring my friends calling me.

I followed Makoto till he got at the back of the academy. "what do you want?" I heard him say, I looked around but no one is here, so I'm guessing he is referring to me. I showed myself. "what do you mean by, 'don't trust so easily'?" I asked.

He chuckled. "what are you saying, Urara's friend?" he said and patted my head. "my name is Naisha! What do you mean about what you said earlier!" I said as I put his hands away from my head. He sighed and smiled to me. "you'll know someday" he said, he winked at me and and walked away.

I roam around the hallways and saw Ranusha dragging Makoto. I got suspicious so I followed them. I can't hear their conversation but they look so sweet. I saw how Makoto flick Ranusha' s forehead as she pouts. I noticed Casval from a distance, staring at them. 'oooppss.... Jealous boyfriend coming through!' I said to my mind

Casval walked away. 'awww I thought Casval is going to rush towards them and going to fight Makoto' I said to my mind. Actually, I remembered Urara from this scene. I thought Makoto and Casval are fighting for Urara, now... They are fighting for this Ranusha... I never thought boys are so easy to win over, they can easily change their feelings to somebody else. I rolled my eyes to my thoughts. It is almost time for the sparring so I went back to the arena

Usagi's POV*

I saw Naisha followed Makoto, so I followed them, only to see them talking. Yes... I have feelings towards Makoto!. They are talking sweetly, Makoto left her, as Naisha did the same. I followed her, until saw her peeking at something or should I say someone.

I looked at where she is staring. I saw Makoto talking to an another purple haired girl. 'does Makoto likes purple haired girls?!?!' I said to my mind. I looked at my watch and noticed it is time to go back to the arena.

Urara popped in my mind. 'hmmm, I wonder how is Urara' I said to my mind. I froze as I saw that purple haired girl. Now I remember! She's the girl I got grouped at the west wing border!. That black smoke knock down us, and that girl is the only one who can be able to stand up! She's.... Rash... Ran... Rusha... Ranusha!

'I'm not interested in be in fact.... I don't like you, Ranusha' I said in my mind as I secretly glared at her.

Author~san: another update! Two updates in one day 😅😅😅 Anyways! Casval and Ranusha is in the multi-media! Have a great day or night everyone! God bless you all!

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