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Someone's POV*

Tsk you nerd! How dare you talked to my Casval! Tsk you'll pay! Your so ugly so stop clinging with my Casval! I won't let you!

Urara's POV*

I wake up and yawns then remembered all the things that me and zura did we did bonding yesterday

I stand up and walk down stairs then cook some food then eat. I take a bath then ready for school

I walk down stairs and saw zura in the living room

"Bes" I said making zura look at me then smiled "good morning bes let's walk together" zura said then I smiled

"So how's your sleep?" Zura said "will it's great" I said then we talked and talked

Until we arrived at the gate and we saw


"Casval!" I shouted making him turn around "good morning" I said "morning" he said back

"So how are you?" I said "will here still breathing" he said

"So what did you do yesterday?" Zura said "will same as always" he said

"You didn't go anywhere?" Zura said "i'm not that kind of a guy" he said then we walked together until we arrived at our respective classrooms

~time skip~

Our first teacher arrived "good morning class I have an announcement we have an event in Friday so you all better decide what to do" ma'am said "ummmm like performing?" Said a boy rising hands "yes" ma'am said "it is OK if it's a café?" A girl said "yes, I will expect you all will have a great performance so you all better work together" ma'am said

"the festival will be in next Friday so no class until the festival so you all can prefer more" ma'am added "so good luck guys make me proud and goodbye" ma'am said then she leaves

Then the war has begins


They are really noisy they even can make my eardrums broke

Me, zura, and casval just sitting watching them shouting

Then I stand up and they all look at me

"What if we will mixed the café and roleplay" I said making them confused

"And how supposed to do that?" The girl said crossing her arms

"Will while the others roleplay some girls will serve our customers then some boys will cook" I said then they just gave an 'oh'

"Will not bad" a boy said "will that will do" the girl said then it's finally settled

We assigned

Me- watching the props and giving orders on when and where to put the props



Then we all agreed



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