Chap. 32 Treasure Hunting Part 3

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Gaishi's POV*

"this is insane!" i said, they looked at me with confusion "I mean.... She's an Nature elementalist, how can she have a fever?" I said unbelievablely

"what do you mean?" Naisha asked. "When you are an nature elementalist or an student. There's no way u can get any sickness, cuz we are born to be healers.... We heal our teammates as we can heal ourselves, we are immune to any kind of sickness... We are born healthy" I proudly said

"stop bragging" Casval said. I pouted. The girls are taking good care of Nathuria "boys, find the gem.... We'll take care of Nathuria" Urara said and we just nodded and start searching

"Gaishi" I heard a whisper "did you heard that? Someone is calling my name" I said with a creased brows. I know it's not Casval's voice nor Naguwi. The voice was sweet, soft, and gentle voice of a woman

"what the hell do you mean?" Casval said with creased brows "n-nothing, maybe I'm just hallucinating it" I said and start searching for the gem again

"gaishi" it whispered again, I looked around "gaishi" it whispered again. A green light glows as it was under the pond. I got curious so I dive in not minding my friends that are calling my name

I dive deep under the pond, following the green glowing thing that is been surrounded with flowers and tall grass. "gaishi" it whispered again, as I touched it. I don't know what happened, but..... I'm in the woods now

"what? Where am I?" I questioned "gaishi" I turned to see who owned the voice. And there she is, looking at me, she got this goddesses beauty....

"gaishi, your training starts now" she said "by the way, I'm Terrami" she added and bowed her head

Naisha's POV*

We are now panicking, we don't know why he dived in the water. "is he crazy?!" Naguwi said worriedly

"I swear I'll kill him!" Casval said angryly "I'll go down there" Zura said and dive in the water, but to our surprise, it is just 6 feet, we can't find him

Tears formed in my eyes "hey hey, he'll be fine, his a tough man" Urara comforted me, I just nodded. We camp out here, since it is going dark

We eated and talked as I noticed Urara went inside our tent and slept. I walk towards the other tent where Nathuria is sleeping peacefully, but her fever hasn't come down yet

Urara's POV*

I went inside our tent and let darkness swallowed me. As I am at a dark familiar place I called to her name. A mirror appeared and show my reflection that has white hair and red eyes

"what is it? Something wrong?" Usagura said. "spill everything you know" I demanded. "like what?" she asked raising her left eyebrow

"who am I? Why do I know this kind of stuff? Or is it you who keep informing me about this shits? Where is Gaishi? Why did he disappeared? Is it--" I was cut off when she spoke

"who am I to tell you? You are physically alive but you are only relaying on ur shitty beliefs.... I keep telling u that, find me as soon as you can, it will all answer your question.... You are the one who needs answer, so work hard for it... hah! U even said to that Naisha girl that Gaishi is tough, then why don't you trust him? Instead of being stupid, why don't you analyze everything ha? You told them everything, a clue that was part of your past and seems like you're not interested in finding it, so be it.... I hope you won't regret this decision, Urara..." she said and disappeared

I called her name many times, but she didn't appear. I can't wake up, I don't know why, then, the whole place changed, I looked up only to see a starry sky, there's a big beautiful glowing cherry blossom and a field of flaming flowers around me

I walk towards the big cherry blossom tree, but I saw a figure.... He got an calm ocean blue eyes that is staring at my blue orbs, I don't know why my heart keep pounding.... He is so familiar, I saw him smile that made me blush and I felt my heart pounding like I'm running.... Then..... Ranusha came inside my mind..... I felt a fang inside my heart

He turned his back and he stared disappearing, I smiled sadly....

Someone is shaking my shoulders so I opened my eyes and saw my friends with there worried eyes. I looked at them confusedly "what is it? Something wrong?" I asked, then Naisha hugged me

"gawd! Why are you crying?! U made us worry!" Naisha said and I looked at Zura confusedly

"well, you were crying not so long ago, we tried everything to wake you up, but you didn't opened your eyes, we got worried ya know! And it's already 12 in the afternoon!" Zura said making me sit up straight

"12 in the afternoon?!" I said unbelievablely, and they just nodded their heads "even the boys are panicking" Naisha said. We headed out

"Finally your awake!" Naguwi said ass he saw ma and hugged me right tight "I-I thought I lost you again, I-I thought something bad happened to you even if its in your wildest dreams" Naguwi said as I heard him sniff

"are you crying?" I gasp, he smacked my head. "I'M DIDN'T!" He said while blushing, I smiled. "you did!" I teased "I did not!" he defensed

I smiled sweetly at him "thank you Naguwi~nii" I said, he blushed and turned around. I chuckled. I looked at Zura secretly, worried that she might get jealous but to my surprise, her is just staring at Naguwi with amazement and full of love in her eyes. 'I like Zura for Naguwi' I said to my mind that made me smile

I turned to see how Nathuria is doing but to my surprise she got out of the tent while she stared at me "You're finally awake!" Naisha said as she saw Nathuria, but it seems like Nathuria didn't heard anything and just walk straight to me and drag me somewhere else

"hey! Where are you taking her?!" Naguwi shouted, Nathuria looked at him. "none of your business" Nathuria replied and continue to drag me

We are little bit far from them. "Who are you? What's your name?" Nathuria asked. "My name is Urarasagi--" I was cut off when she spoke. "that's not your real name" She glared daggers at me

"Usagi..." I said. "Princess Usagi Shigura?" she said and raise her right eyebrow "it's not you" she added making me confused

"your aura is different from your friends, your aura is different from Princess Usagi, and your Aura is just like him" she said. "who's him?" I asked but she didn't answered

"as soon as possible... hide.... Don't let them get you.... You are more than what you think you are now" she said and left me with a confused face..... 'I don't know who am I anymore.... Usagura? Who are you? Who am I? And what are we?'

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