Magicians Portal?!?!?!

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Urara's POV*

Today is Saturday and me and my friends planned to shopping I take a bath and get dressed up but I don't need to put on my fake nerdy face

Today is Saturday and me and my friends planned to shopping I take a bath and get dressed up but I don't need to put on my fake nerdy face

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((That's what she's wearing BTW))

I really can't wait to with them as I was done I go down stairs and saw them waiting for me

"Not with your fake nerdy face eh?" Gaishi said smiling "will yea" I said and smile "waaaaah bes your so pretty!!!!!" Zura said giggling then I laugh "thx bes" I said

Then I look at Casval just being quiet

Casval's POV*

We we're waiting for urara to come down

Second just pass by urara came down with her beautiful- wait WHAT?!?!?!

she's so beautiful! What's the meaning of this?!?!?! I though she's a nerd but but she's not with her thick glasses and her pimples are GONE?!?!?!

oh I'm so confused but I have to admit she's so really damn beautiful

"Not with your fake nerdy face eh?" Gaishi said smiling "will yea" urara said and smiled "waaaaah bes your so pretty!!!!!" Zura said giggling then urara laugh "thx bes" urara said and she looked at me

*dug dug, dug dug, dug dug*

'Agh! Pls don't me tell your falling in love with her?!' I said to my mind

"So shall we go guyz?" Urara said then I got back to the reality then we go out

"Casval I think the headmaster is calling us to be back at Vanasha world" zura said whispering to me "guyz why did we bring urara when headmaster just call us to be back at the Vanasha world?" Gaishi said whispering enough to me and zura can hear it

"Guyz what's the whispering about?" Urara said looking at us "will......" gaishi said his eyes looking around finding excuse "will we have secrets why? You wanna know?" I said then zura and gaishi was shocked to hear that I said that

"What secret? Mind if I hear it?" Urara said 'w-what should I do now? I really can't lie to her' I said to my mind

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