Chap. 62 Training Part 2

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Zura's POV*

After we ate our dinner, Stea told us to continue our training... We all went to our training fields and continue our training... It is already dark, I will be having a hard time finding the rock while fighting those weird piranhas.

"damn it!" I yelled as a white Lazer hit me. I look around as I only saw pitch black. 'damn it! How can i kill those weird piranhas when it is so dark?! I think I am the one who is going to die in here!' I said in my mind as I start to panic

I inhale and exhale as I tried to calm myself down. "Zura, you can do this... Just stay calm" I said to myself as I close eyes and calm myself down. Another Lazer hit me, it stings... 'calm down' I said in my mind as I didn't mind them hitting me with their lazers and tried to feel their presence

'yes that's it Zura... Focus.... You are already born with pure water element magic, mark this lake as your own territory' I said in my mind as I am feeling their presence in the water. I felt a Lazer is going to hit me at my back. "there!" I said as I dodge the Lazer.

I opened my eyes and to my surprise, my vision became so clear.... I saw a lot of piranhas surrounding me. 'now... It's my turn to play with you' I Sai din my mind as I create a lot of water balls and release it all towards the piranhas

The piranhas began to attack me as it tried to dodge my water balls. Some of them got hit but some of them dodged my water balls. I continue to release my water balls and at the same time, dodging those piranhas that tried to come new me. "I need to find the rock!" I said in my mind. As I am thinking what to do.

"whirlpool...." I suddenly said. I cut off guard as a Lazer hit me. "gaahh!" I yelled in pain. I got pissed off so I made a huge whirlpool. I emptied the lake because of my whirlpool, sucking the piranhas. I quickly search for the rock. My vision is a little bit vague because it is really dark.... I guess my vision in the water is much better than the land...

"gaahhh where is it?! I need to find it before my whirlpool collapse!" I said as I continue to find the rock. I looked around and saw something shining covered with sand. I went there and pick it up. I sighed in relief as I finally found the rock

I was about to walk away, but my whirlpool started to collapse. I clench the rock tightly and didn't let it go as the water cevered me. The piranhas started to attack. "oh not so fast!" I said as I forcely pushed them away with my water magic. I swim away quickly and went on the land.

I was panting. "finally!" I heard Stea said as she sat down beside me. I looked at her and showed her the rock. She pick up the rock on my palm and smiled at me sweetly. "you can rest for now, Zura... You have a long way to go, gather your energy and look forward to your trainings" Stea said and smiled. I didn't reply since I am really tired. I close my eyes and fell asleep.

Naguwi's POV*

I am now covered with bruises and cuts. It's all those arrows fault! I can't believe those arrows fell in love with me! OK I'm just joking... It's like those arrows are like those crazy fans following their idols crazily! This arrows don't even give me a break! Now I know what would an idol feel... OK just joking again. Now I feel like I'm being Gaishi 2.0 =,=).... I'm just getting dizzy... Hey I think I am drunk!

"dudes! Give me a break!! Hdjsjjsnashajjs can you please stop following me?!" I yelled to those arrows following me. I am sweating and panting a lot... I stop flying away from them since I am really tired, plus I can't see them clearly, it's so dark out here!

Those arrows are coming towards me until a whirlpool sucked them. I sighed in relief and look below the whirlpool and saw Zura. "HEY ZURA! THANK YOU!" I shouted, but she just turn her back at me and search something... "guess she didn't heard me" I said. "now I need to calm myself down and focus" I said and closed my eyes

I relaxed myself and feel the comforting air. As I was relaxing, I felt something is about to hit me, so I dodge it. I opened my eyes and saw those arrows. 'I should have stay focus' I said in myself. I breathe in and breathe out. As those arrows attacked me I dodge and grab them and break it. "it's now my turn to let out my anger!" I said as I keep doing it. Dodge, grab, and break them.

"NICE JOB EVERYONE! TIME TO TAKE A REST!" I heard Stea shout so I went down and saw Zura sleeping on the ground and Gaishi who is rolling on the ground. I sighed and drop myself on the ground, tiredly. Minutes pass by when Naisha and Casval came back and joined us, laying on the ground, tiredly.

"how are you guys?" Stea asked happily. We glared at her, she cutely chuckled. "hey kiddo! Don't laugh at us!" Gaishi yelled. Stea rolled her eyes. "I am the youngest here, yet you acted like a baby!" Stea said and point at Gaishi. "why you!" Gaishi seems like he is stopping himself from smacking her. Stea stick out her tongue as if she is insulting Gaishi.

"stop both of you! Somebody is trying to sleep here!" Naisha said and rolled her eyes. Gaishi sighed. "didn't you notice how your eyes glowed back in your training?" Stea asked, we looked at her confusedly. "your eyes glowed... Keep up the good work" Stea said and smiled at us. I was about to say something when she walked away. Maybe she is going to see her mother?

Gaishi yawned and fell asleep. As I let darkness swallow me.

Author~san: finally done deciding if I would change the cover or not.... Anyways! Have a great day or night everyone! See ya in the next chapter!!! Ciao Adios! 😊😊😊

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