Chap. 44 Arrogant Little Princess

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Usagi's POV*

The students were shock knowing 'Urara' is the real princess Usagi.. They keep calling me Urara or Urarasagi... It's really annoying and somewhat... disrespectful! How could they call her name instead of my name!

"Urara, are you really the princess?" a girl approached me. I had enough of them calling me Urara so I slapped her face really hard to the point she fall down. She cried and students began to gather

"I am so pissed! How many time do I have to tell you little weaklings... I. AM. NOT. URARASAGI! Show some respect to me! Even if I looked like her, me and her are totally opposite!" I angrily said making them looked so terrified to me. 'tch, weaklings' I said to my mind

"SCRAM!" I suddenly yelled and they rush over to leave. "even if you are the real princess Usagi, you shouldn't treat other students like that" The small girl with violet hair said.

I crossed my arms and looked at her from head-to-toe. "and you are?" I asked. "Naisha Sayuri" she said. "Miss Sayuri, why would I waste my time to those weaklings? Their are just peasants who can't reach my status" I said with annoyance

"heh, using your status can't lead you anywhere but bragging about yourself" An orange haired boy said. I raised my left eyebrow at him. "want to have a fight?" I asked to him

"coward" I said and smirk. His faced turned red because of anger and pissed. "you asked for it! Let's see how you will fall down on your knees!" he angrily said. "I, Gaishi Hasuya, will never back down!" he added

We went in the arena. "we'll see" I said and smirk. "I will wipe off your smirk in the battle!" he said. "give me your best shot" I said.

We positioned ourselves. This Gaishi guy started its attack by throwing sharp woods towards me. I can easy dodge it and appeared at his back and kicked him. He seems surprise

I released light beams towards him, he can dodge it at first but he can't dodge it all. I wounded his left arms. "argh!" he yelp in pain. "you're asking for death!" I laughed at him

"shut up you b****!" he shouted making me froze. "what did you call me?" I asked. "b****" he repeated making my ears tingling.

I run towards him and kick and punch him, he can catch my attacks but I keep my light beams around me, so he can't damage me. I kicked him on his face making him faint. I want to kill him so much

His friends run towards him hurriedly. Naisha turna dn walked towards me and attempt to slap me, but before she can lay her dirty hands on me, I kicked her away from me. She gritted her teeth and glared at me while I am smirking at her.

"Naisha, it's no point wasting your time with her" the white haired boy said and carried that Gaishi guy and they exited the arena, even the students who are watching began to exit the arena

"tch, weaklings" I said to no one. A hand patted my shoulder making me turn around only to see a purple haired girl with her smile "That was amazing" she said, I raised my left eyebrow and crossed my arms. "I'm Ranusha" she said and put out her hand waiting for me to shake hands with her

I feel uneasy towards her so I left her behind. As I got out the arena, I bump into a boy. "sorry, are you OK?" he asked. I rolled my eyes but then suddenly froze.

I stared at him. "uhh... I'm Makoto" he said with a smile, I am still staring at him then left him behind. 'finally, someone is interesting in this academy' I said to myself

Hours pass by with the boring teachers and boring classes. I went back to the castle and got greeted by my people in the castle except for one

"do you know, there's no place for a weakling and dirty peasant like you on the castle?" I said to her with my arms crossed. "I have a name and that is emerald... And do you know an arrogant ruler like you, don't fit to be a ruler of this realm?" she said

"you b****!" I yelled adn started to attack her. I slapped her so hard and pull her hair. "ENOUGH!" My big brother shouted and pull me off her. "She started it!" I said to my brother,he ignored me and went towards her. I got pissed so I walked away

I went in my mother's throne. "mom! That peasant don't deserve to be in here!" I said to my mom. "emerald?" she asked. "yes! That peasant!" I said. "dear, your father said to keep her in here and take good care of her, she's not that bad at all" my mom said. My face turned red because of anger

"she has no manner at all! She's so disrespectful! I am soon-to-be Queen, yet she didn't show some respect! I don't like her!" I complained. "dear, let time bond you together" my mom said. "hah, bond with a weakling? No way!" I said.

My mom sighed and said, "I think you are tired, you should go to your room and take a rest" My mom said. "fine" I said as I also feel tired. "have a good rest, sweetheart" my mom said

I walked towards to my room and shut my door loudly. "that b****!" I said to no one. "she has no manner at all! So disrespectful! I cannot stand her!! Grrr!" I said to no one and jump on my bed

"how can Urara cope up in here?! They even care for her more than there own princess! I hate weaklings!" I said. "but oh well... At least I can see that boy again in the school. He is no ordinary at all" I said and smirked then fell asleep

Author~san: I was going to update earlier, like update in 1:00 a.m, but signal and wattpad played me! They won't publish it... So I got pissed and just off my phone.. When I woke up, I opened my phone but the chapter I typed earlier is gone... So I have to type again and change the plot a little, since I can't remember all the plot I typed earlier 😅😅😅 anyways! See ya guys in the next Chap and have a good day everyone!

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