Chap. 31 Treasure Hunting Part 2

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Zura's POV*

We are now headed at Terra "UGH! mosquitoes!" Naisha complained "oh shut up!" Casval said irritatedly "ugh! My skin!" Naisha continued complaining. Casval messed up his hair due to the irritation

Urara tilted her head as she watched them. Minute pass by, we finally got to Terra.... Terra land naturey, in short it feels so peaceful and the wind is cold and fresh, the land is very beautiful..... I looked at Gaishi who is very excited, even his eyes are twinkling

"Terra is under Garamis Sinus Palace, right?" Naguwi said and Gaishi nodded cheerfully "wew...."

I looked at Urara and she looked spaced out "Urara?" I called her but it seems like her head is occupied

"Galaxie" Urara spoke. We looked at her and she turn her back to face us and look at us, more like staring at us....

"Galaxie Land....... It's ancient right?.... Why we need to go there? It's dangerous there, right?.... I feel like..... I heard of this before.... Galaxie...... From.... What kingdom does this land belong to?" Urara said making us snap out of what she just said..... She's right....

"It's part of  antiquorumÎntuneric VechiLux Palace" Naguwi said "never heard of that kingdom before.... But the name is too long =,=)" Gaishi said

"means Ancient Dark Ancient Light" Urara said and Naguwi looked at her unbelievably "wow..."

"Galaxie..... Galaxinum.... It's really dangerous to go there..... Tricky paths, scary nightmares.... It can even gave u a lot of pressure that u can't really express" Urara said as if she already experienced it "WHAT?!?!?!" Gaishi shouted and tremble in fear

Urara shrugs her shoulders "we'll be fine..... I guess?" Urara said and she looked at Gaishi who is shivering "I don't think so..... I already read about this place.... It's interesting but dangerous" Naguwi countered

"stop this nonsense and let's just focus on our mission" Casval said seriously. We looked at each other and nodded our head in agreement

We continued to walk towards the town located here in Terra "This is such a beautiful place!" Gaishi said with his sparkling eyes while looking around us, he even sometimes stared at other people here

At the corner of my eyes, I saw Naisha pouting while staring at Gaishi who is still minding his business. I chuckled

" ahem.... Don't forget what we came here for" Casval said seriously "you're too serious" Gaishi said while pouting "dude stop pouting.... You look like a duck" Naguwi insulted

"wow.... I'm too handsome and hot and cute and once again I'm hot to be a duck" Gaishi said and glared at Naguwi who just laughed to his reaction

"Agh! Stop! We need to find the gem!" Casval said irritatedly "just admit, you wanted to see Ranusha again, do you?" Naisha said while crossing her arms

"what if I say yes? I'm not comfortable when she is with that Makoto guy" Casval said making us shut out mouth. I looked at Urara who is just walking straight and doesn't show any sign that she is hurt,but I know.... Within her..... She's like she had been stabbed

We stopped at the woods, a little bit far from the town. We started to camp out, put out of tents, fix our stuffs and the boys is putting up the fire. I looked around and noticed Urara sitting on the grass, a little bit far from our tents

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