Surprising meet

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Urara's POV*

"yes today is Saturday!" I said going down stairs "what's the rush?" Zura said chuckling "it's lazy Saturday XD" I said then Naisha laugh

"Will I'll go walk around now bye!" I said open the door and closed it 'this will be interesting' I said to my mind then I felt a powerful presence

I followed it and it lead in the garden maze "really in the maze?" I said then the powerful presence became strong "hmmm someone powerful than me?" I said mumbling then didn't hesitate to follow it inside the maze

As I was walking in the garden maze the presence became more strong then I stop when I saw a sign right is the magical enchant garden then left is a beautiful garden

Then I took the right side as I was walking I stop when I her a song

((Pls watch the music video and that's what she sing))

'She have a beautiful voice' I said to my mind admiring her voice. As she was done singing I walk slowly towards her "u-umm" then she gasp

"Ummm.... Who are you?" I said "I'm Shigura Mayuri" she said and her voice was so soft

 Who are you?" I said "I'm Shigura Mayuri" she said and her voice was so soft

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((Btw that's Shigura Mayuri on the pic))

She was so beautiful her silver hair and her silver eyes she's so beautiful 'wait Shigura Mayuri?! So she's the Queen of Vanasha world and also my mother' I said to my mind "what's your name dear?" She said cutting my thoughts off

"O-oh I'm Tsayumi Urarasagi" I said "nice to meet you" I added "nice to meet you too" she said "you're the Queen of Vanasha world right?" I said "I'm no Queen I'm just a loving and hoping mother to someday I want to see my long lost daughter" she said looking at the sky then tears came down to her cheeks

'I want to hug her I want to say I'm your daughter I want to be with my family again' I said to my mind "I've been searching for my daughter but no sign of her" she said crying

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