Chap. 34 Other Side

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Someone's pov*

As I am just sitting on my throne, watching my crystal ball, monitoring my minions trying to invade the Academy of magicians. "have fun all you want, I want to see you all suffer" I laughed mischievously

"enough with this father!" I stared at my son with his eyes full of sadness, longing, and hatred, i laughed at the sight. "do you think you can stop me? Soon enough, we will rule Vanasha world and also, we will also invade Labyrinth world" I said and laughed

"DON'T YOU DARE HURT HER!" My son shouted. "who? Shigura Usagi or...... (mentioned a name)" I smiled widely as I saw his eyes widened as soon as I finished mentioning her name

"oh I won't hurt her..... As long as you marry Shauran" I'm amazed as I saw his face darkened and a glint of tears in his eyes. 'my dear son, love can weaken you up. It's nothing but a pain in the ass' I laughed at my thoughts

I looked on my crystal ball and watch how the headmaster take care of it. I smirked at the scene. How entertaining just by watching them suffering and doing their best to protect something, I want to see more people with their fearful faces and suffer more and more

How I wish you could see this Princess Shigura Usagi

Unknown's POV*

"M'lady, pls don't do anything too reckless again" he scolded. "don't scold me, I know exactly what I am doing" I said

"M'lady, I wish you all the luck.... I hope she can find herself and you soon.... And I hope.... She is fully prepared for that" he said. "I don't care if she's prepared or not, the most important things is.... To know the truth, the break through the cage and find herself flying freely" I said, he bowed and left. I sighed, 'I hope.... Everything will be back to normal, I want to be with you again...... Pls don't lose hope and hold me tightly, I want to feel your embrace again, I want to feel safe with you..... I want to spend a lot of time with you, till death do us apart'

???'s POV*

"your highness, try to lower your profile" I said. "I, PRINCESS SHIGURA USAGI, DON'T NEED YOUR OPINION!" she shouted back at me

"I don't want to lose my daughter! And if you want to be killed already then I'll do it for you! You ungrateful princess!" I angryly said

"I don't want to be in here! I hate to be in here with a monster like you! You don't even treat me like a royalty! I AM A PRINCESS FOR PETE'S SAKE! YOU SHOULD BOW DOWN AND RESPECT ME!" She said, gawd boy, do I wish to slap her really hard, she's a spoiled brat

"even if you are a royalty or a princess, you are still a weakling and always be a weakling! You are still a magician like your people, so don't act high and mighty!" I said to her.

"I am a royalty, a princess, you should treat me like a royalty you disrespectful being!" she said

"I am older than you!" I said. "I am the princess of Castle De Vania and the princess of vanasha realm, I have the permission to say all the things I want to say! You can't stop me because you have no power to stop a pure royalty like me!" she proudly said. 'she is making her head big'

" STARVE TO DEATH YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE GIRL!" I said angryly and slam the door really loud

I went to the throne where my beautiful wife is. "whats with the commotion? Another fight with the little princess?" My wife asked

"I sure do hope that our little angel is not a brat like her, or else I'll slap her butt and teach her how to show respect especially when she's around with older people than her" I said

"I do hope too, but did you find her? I want my daughter back, I want to hug her tight and won't let her go, I want to sing her the song she always wanted since she was still a baby, I want to see how much my baby grown" My wife started to cry, we lost our daughter when she was 3 years old. I hugged my wife and kiss her forehead. She is always like this almost everyday, and it's not good for her health

Third person's POV*

Little did they knew, the book of light and dark is glowing, waiting for its owner to come pick it up, the time to show its beauty, its color, its memories that been locked up for many years

As Casval's group and Ranusha's group is still on their missions, they will be slowly walking to the path where they are preparing for any danger and battles that they may encounter in the near future


Author~san: That's all for now everyone.... I'll try to update more if I could and make a longer one... If I could..... Anyways! MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! hope you have a great time!!!

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