Chap. 16

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((Oh I'm sorry guys I can't think of an title for this chap))

Urara's POV*

I was walking around the academy and saw a garden full of powers

It was a peaceful place to train my powers 'hmmm I should not train here or somebody will saw my true powers'

Then I walked away from the garden then I walked towards to the forest "hmmm a barried forest?" I mumbled to myself 'I can get in with no force' I said to my mind and came in to the barried forest

"You young lady how did you get in?!" I gasp at my back then I turn around and saw an old woman "ummm....." I was speechless "don't tell me your the long lost princess?!" She said shocked

Then I sigh "look I don't know what you mean" I lied "don't try to hide your identity to me your, Highness" she said bowing down

"Just don't tell anyone pls" I pleaded then she nod "I'm Elaine the-" I cut her off "the elementalist and the old Queen of Vanasha World and also my grandmother" I said calmly

"My granddaughter has grown" she said with her soft voice "grandma pls don't tell anyone about me even my dear family" I said with a sad smile

"Ok I would never tell them.... And anyway why are you here???" She asked "I'm here to train my powers" I said "so what's your undercover power in the academy?" She said "illusionist" I said calmly

"You act like a true princess" she said that made me shocked a little "can I be your teacher to your power training?" She said playfully then I chuckled "sure, why not?" I said "even you're my granddaughter I won't be so nice to your training" she said then I laugh slightly

"Training Biggin!" I said then use my powers "Thunderous!" She yelled then a bolt of lightnings came towards me then I smirk "Thunder's shield!" I yelled then a thunder shield came stand protected me, as soon as the thunders gone "electrical waters!" I quickly said "crystal ice!" She yelled and aimed my electrical balls then it turned crystal ice

"My special ability! Come my Light bring your powers to me and be my strength for my fight!" I yelled then lights surrounded "explosive sparkling bright light!" I yelled then aimed my grandma "light's shield!" She yelled but no use my magic is to powerful "agh!!!!" She growls then sat down on the field

"Oh my gosh! Grandma are you OK?" I said worriedly then my grandma laugh "it's OK.... You really do know how to use your magic and your pretty strong like me and your mother and father and also your brother" she said

"I-i already meet my brother" I said "oh so did he remembered you?" Grandma said "no...." I said "oh?" She said

"You should get going now or your friends will be worried sick" grandma said then I just nod "oh one last thing" she said then she held her hands "this is my gift" grandma said

Then her hands started to glow "cage of the yin, yang dragons, the trusted protector for the princess of Vanasha world, protect and guide her!" Grandma said then I just closed my eyes because of the brightness

After the brightness has faded a little I felt like there's a chain got break down inside of me then a big golden gate opened breaking down the chain and the lock

Then I opened my eyes and I look around in a unfamiliar place it's dark but not so dark then a black dragon and white dragon came

"Our dare princess" they both said and bow down their heads 'i-i remembered them! They are the ones protecting me when I was little and I was still in Vanasha world..... Maybe mom chain them so that black magicians can't recognized me.... But I'm back here I need a protector that's why grandma break the binding chains'

"It's been so long hasn't it?" I said smiling at them "yea your Highness.... You're so little back there but now you've grown beautiful and lovely like your mom" they said that's make me chuckled then I'm finally in my reality

"Good bye for now my granddaughter" grandma said then I walked out in the forest and goes in the academy "goodness! Where have you been?!?!?!" Zura said as she saw me her face was so worried "I just walk around in the academy" I said

"You've got us worried Urara" naguwi said then I just smiled "I'm OK guys" I said "um.... Your Aura is different from before urara" gaishi said "because I just train my magic on how I can hold the illusion longer and make my illusion like it's reality and I just perfect it! ^.^" I said happily

"Oh urara you should said it earlier so we can see it" naisha said "no need I would lost my focus because of embarrassment if you're all there" I said lying "ow.....key......" Gaishi said

"Come on guys let's go to our classroom!" I said "oh shot I totally forgot about that!" Naguwi said then we goes to our classroom

As we got to our sit it's just in time that our teacher for today came in "hello class" the teacher said "hello sensei!" We all said







"Good grief! I'm hungry!" Gaishi said then we all laugh "seriously?" I said laughing "yea I'm serious!" Gaishi said pouting then we laugh again then we stop laughing and goes to the cafeteria

"Looking at us as always" naisha said irritated "hey may I borrow her for a bit" clue said said looking at me more like glaring at me -_- "sorry but no sorry, she's not a thing to borrow, now may you step back and we are going to eat our lunches now" Naisha said irritated

"Naisha are you in your.... Ya know" I whispered at Naisha making her blush "y-yes pls don't tell it to anybody" she whispered back then I just nod then we walk towards to our favorite table spot and like always it's  besides the glasses window "naisha are you in...." Zura whispered but I heard it cuz I'm at their front "shhhh" naisha said

"What are you whispering about?" Gaishi said and they are so confused "nothing" zura said then we order our foods then we eat.

To be continued......

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