Chap. 42 Real Or Imposter?

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Urara's POV*

I am still in shock. Lumine jump down and growl at the girl who is holding an umbrella and standing in front of us with a smile. "what a cute but fierce small wolf you've got there" She said with her British-accent-like. "Who... Are you?" I said as I finally got the hang of it

"obviously, I'm Princess Usagi Shigura, the lost princess of Castle De Vania and also... The central ruler of Vanasha world" She said, full of confidence and a little bit of bratty attitude. "what do you mean your Usagi?" I asked.

"don't you have manners? You are talking to the REAL PRINCESS OF CASTLE DE VANIA!" She said arrogantly. "I clearly remember how I grew up in the castle!" I said.

"here's the thing. when I was still 2 years old, I got killed by a traitor.sadly that traitor is my own uncle. Then a miracle happened. A light came and we switched souls" She said but I didn't buy it.

"if you are not convinced, then be it! You are not the real princess in Castle De Vania. To what I remember, you hold illusion magic, while the real pure blooded royalties in Vanasha world holds elemental magic. Clearly, you don't hold such a thing. I possess Light magic, and I can clearly prove you that I am the real princess by my family's emblem!" She proudly said

She put out her palm and a light formed on it, then a Cresent moon and a half of the sun that got mixed together appeared. It is indeed the Castle De Vania emblem, since I always saw that sign on a banner

"only pure blooded royalties can have this emblem in Vanasha world" she arrogantly said. "so go back to your dimension" she said and smiled at me.

I am still digesting it. I'm so confused. She walked pass through me and said, "I hope you won't forget our little encounter today" and she vanish in a blink. "Master?" Lumine looked at me worriedly, I smiled at him. I am still in shock, I'm so lost and confuse

Suddenly, a light came out again as Usagura Appeared. The blinding light dissappear leaving Usagura standing in front of us. "Usagura?" I called.

"Finally, you are here. I don't want to see you suffer a lot" She said. "who really are you?" I asked, she smiled at me. "Parva Stea..... That's my real name" she replied. "Usagura is not your real name?" I asked and she nodded her head.

"now that you've encountered the little princess, I don't have to hide my true name to you" she said as she shrugged her shoulders. "why must you hide your real name to me?" I asked again

"my duty is to lead you here.... And to... Bring this back to you" she said and she hand out her palm. A small light of blue orb appeared on her palm

She handed it to me, I was hesitating. "it's your memories from a long time ago" she said. The light floats toward me, as it touched the tip of my nose, the light suddenly pops into a small light particles

I felt dizzy after that. "See you again.... 'MOM'" she said as her right eyes turns to blue and her left eyes was covered with a patch. Her long hair becomes short.

I am so dizzy to the point I let the darkness swallowed me as I  wanted to ask her some questions after her transformation

Author~san: that's all for now... I'll be showing you Usagura a.k.a Parva Stea's real form in the next Chap!

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