Chap. 36 Treasure Hunting (Dream)

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Urara's POV*

It's been 4 days already, but no sign of Zura.... I'm so tired, so I fell asleep


As always, I'm at the field full of Flaming flowers around this huge glowing cherryblossom tree and below the starry sky. I walked towards the tree and saw him again....

"why do you keep appearing in my dreams?.... First it was Usagura, now you? Who are you?" I ask out of curiosity. "Volo enim videre Vos, (I want to see you)" he said. "what do you mean?" I asked,he sighed and walked towards me. "our paths will cross again, not in your dreams, but in your embrace and in your heart.... Hold on to me, I know I still have place in your heart.... And NO ON CAN REPLACE ME" He said it in English and not in Latin anymore. I froze....

In a short notice, he kissed my lips and disappeared in the thin air. The surroundings faded leaving me alone in the dark..... A mirror appeared as Usagura's figure appeared in the mirror, looking at me straighly

"just a little bit more, you are close... You are almost there...." She said making me confused, I was about to ask but she spoke "wake up, Zura's training is already done, she has returned" she said.

~end of dream~

I woke up immediately and swim outside as I saw Zura's figure. She stopped as she saw me. "wazzup? It's been 3 weeks since we last saw each other" she said, while she is smiling, I hugged her. "IDIOT! IT'S BEEN 4 DAYS NOW! NOT 3 WEEKS!" I shouted, I'm just so glad to see her. I felt my friends' presences as we all grouped hugged, except Casval

"oi, aren't you happy to see Zura?" Naisha said, crossing her arms while facing Casval. "the important thing is, she is here" he said, looking Naisha boredly. We just shut out mouths. "I've got the gem" Zura broke the silence as she showed us a blue gem, making our face brighten.... We swim back to the castle and rest

~time skip~

Today, we are moving forward to Glacialis. On our way, we went into the woods. "What if there's snakes in here?!" Naisha said out of the blue. "then I'll protect you" Gaishi said. "stop torturing Single people here" I said. "what a lovely aura you got" Naguwi said sarcasticaly and rolled his eyes.

"you two are just insecure" Naisha said, crossing her arms. "as if we are insecure, right Sassy?" Naguwi said looking at me with his twinkling eyes. "Don't call me sassy!" I glared at him. "but I love calling my sister, Sassy" He said with his kitty-like-attitude, I face-palm and pat his head even if he is so damn tall.

"alright, Nagu~niisama" I smiled at him cutely and innocently. "awww my Lil sister is so cute" he said and hugs me. Me and Naguwi exchanged gazes and turns around to face Gaishi and Naisha. Naguwi putted his arm on my shoulder, as I put my arm on his waist

"see? No need to rush things as WE got EACH other as brother and sister" Me and Naguwi said in Unison. "WHAT. THE. HEK." Naisha said, as for the others, they are speechless

"scripted?" Gaishi broke the silence. As me and Naguwi both shrugs our shoulders.

Since, I went on a orphanage, Naguwi was the first one to talk to me and became my close best buddy as I met the others too, we are like sisters and brothers in the orphanage. I understand Naguwi more than anyone else as he understand me more than the others, we are like real twins with the same brain, like we can communicate with eyes.....

We continued walking, as they continued making noises.... 'gezz so talkative' I said in my mind

"by the way, Zura, where did ya disappeared into? And how did ya get the gem?" I butted in. "I was in the clam garden back then, then suddenly, this gem glowed and someone is calling my name, I swim closer to it, then I got in the island... I don't know what happened.... All I know is I got teleported.... Then the same voice came, he has blue hair with cylan on his tips, he got aquatic eyes.... He said I was there for a purpose then he started attacking me, saying the training begins" She storied.

"it is also what happened to me back in the ruines, but I was teleported in a forest" Gaishi said. "Interesting" Naguwi said. "so.... Is that mean.... Naisha will be the next one to encounter such a thing?" I said as they looked at me confusingly

"oh now I get it! Terra is also Nature users' home, as Atlantic is also water user's home.... Glacialis.... Is also Ice users' home" Naguwi said. "it's about our magics and what we are capable of" I said.

"how about Galaxie?" Naisha questioned as they all looked at me. "No! Galaxie is a very dangerous place to go! We can't go there" Naguwi said. "I'll go" I said. "are you insane?" Naguwi said

"Naguwi, it's our mission to collect the gems, if we can't fulfill our missions because we are afraid to face for the worst, there's a possibility that we will lose in the war!" I said, they frozed. I realized what I said "w-wait n--" I was cut off. "what do you mean war?" Casval questioned as he look deeply in my eyes.

"I.... I just felt a raging bloody war is going to happen.... Again.... There's a reason why we are collecting this gems..... This mission is serious.... Deadly serious.... This gems contains a powerful magics from the Round Element Elders...... And somehow... I felt like.... It got something to do with me..... Like.... This something..... That I need to discover something big, and it's bothering...." I opened up, I didn't heard them talked

Zura walked towards me as she hugs me. "you are not alone" she said as it made me smile.

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