Chap. 63 A Pleasant Surprise

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Third person's POV*

It's been 3 weeks when they got used to their training. It was tough for them at first, but now, it is just a piece of cake.

A girl was watching them from afar waiting for the right time to show herself. She stared at them without them knowing. 'we will meet each other later...' she said in her mind and walked away. She waiting until the moon rises.

"I am tired" Naisha said as her friends agreed. They started to talk and talk, until they sense presences. They didn't let their guard down until someone talked. "don't you guys miss me?" she said, making them look at her

They look at her with confusion, the girl realize why they are like that. "hey it's me Urara" she said. "Urara doesn't have white hair and red eyes" Naisha said as she crossed her arms. Criză chuckled and she showed her ring, the ring that they bought at the jewelry store long time ago.

"tell me one of my secrets if you are really Urara" Naguwi changelled her. Criză smirked. "you are in love with Zura" she directly said, Naguwi blushed and quickly rush towards her and smack her.

"I have a lot of secrets that I told you, yet you chooses to say that?" Naguwi said, Criză chuckled. Naisha and Zura rush towards her and hugged her tightly with tears. "woah, chillax" She said and chuckled.

"how have you been?" Gaishi asked. "I am fine... I finally found my real parents and my real name" she said. They got interested to what she just said. They sat on the grass.

"my name is Criză... My parents are not that special at all, they are just like everyone else" Criză said and smiled at them. "I'm sleepy" Naisha said. "oh hi sleepy! I'm Gaishi" Gaishi said to Naisha. Naisha rolled her eyes and sleep

Gaishi, Zura, and Naguwi fell asleep. Only Criză and Casval are the only ones who are still up. "aren't you sleepy yet?" Criză asked as she started in Casval's eyes.

Criză's POV*

"Aren't you sleepy yet?" I asked as I stared at his golden eyes. He smiled at me. "not yet" Casval said. I sighed and stand up. "want to go somewhere? I know you need some air" I said and smiled at him, he smiled back and stood up.

We walked into the forest. "something is bothering" I said, he looked at me. "no, it's nothing" he said. I grabbed him and went in the grass plain where there's fireflies flying around there.

"come on, you can't lie to me about this... Remember back in the orphanage? Whenever you can't sleep peacefully, you always come to me.... What is it?" I said still holding his hand. He looked at me and sighed in defeat. "Ranusha is haunting me.... I never thought Ranusha is a spy from the dark magicians" Casval said.

I hugged me and patted his back. I broke the hug and sat on the grass, I tap beside me so he sat down. He rested his head on my shoulder. "how about you? What happened to your life when we are not around you?" He asked.

"I happily found my parents, found the place where I really belong.... But I got ill, but now I am getting better and better" I said. "you got ill?" he asked. I nodded my head

"something unexpected happened to me, that's why" I said. He hugged me. "I am just glad you're getting better now" he said,still hugging me.

"let's go back, I know you are tired" I said, I stood up as he did the same. He grab my hands and walked with me holding hands. "if I close my eyes now and open it tomorrow.... Can I still see you? I am afraid that if I ever close my eyes again and be blind in the darkness and open it, I'm afraid that I can't see you ever again" Casval said. I chuckled

I sat on the grass and pat my lap. He sat beside me and rest his head on my lap. "would like me to sing you a lullaby?" I asked, he chuckled and looked at me. "yeah sure" he said with a smiled. He closed his eyes as I look somewhere and smiled.

"🎶Hush now, my storeen
Close your eyes and sleep
Waltzing the waves
Diving in the deep" I started to sing

"Stars are shining bright
The wind is on the rise
Whispering words
of long lost lullabies" I looked up at the sky as the wind blew my white hair.

"Oh won't you come with me
Where the moon is made of gold
And in the morning sun
We'll be sailing" I close my eyes as I remember the greatest gift he gave me. I don't need anything, cuz all I ever need, I already have it.

"Oh won't you come with me
Where the ocean meets the sky
And as the clouds roll by
We'll sing the song of the sea" I wish you were there...

"I had a dream last night
And heard the sweetest sound
I saw a great white light
And dancers in the round
Castles in the sand
Cradles in the trees
Don't cry, I'll see you by and by" I am now clear... Clear of my feelings

"Oh won't you come with me
Where the moon is made of gold
And in the morning sun
We'll be sailing" will you?

"Oh won't you come with me
Where the ocean meets the sky
And as the clouds roll by
We'll sing the song of the sea" I want to tell you more... More words and more stories

"Rolling, Rolling, Rolling, Rolling"

"Oh won't you come with me
Where the moon is made of gold
And in the morning sun
We'll be sailing free
Oh won't you come with me
Where the ocean meets the sky
And as the clouds roll by
We'll sing the song of the sea" you will see...

"Grá go deo" I will save you... Hold on

As I finished singing, I look at Casval who sleeping peacefully on my lap. I smiled at the sight

Author~san: I can't help but to update... I can't let someone count for nothing, right chichaypechay? 😉😉😉 I am sorry if I didn't update when you are already finish counting to 20... But here it is... A gift for you, I know it is not that much 😊😊😊 this chapter is also a gift for the shippers 😆😆😆 soo, see ya in the next chapter!! Ciao adios!

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