Chap. 60 Little Girl

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Casval's POV*

We didn't get the informations that much and decided to take a break. It's already been 3 months since that weird book told us some stuff. Still no sign of dark magicians. They became suspiciously quiet.

"HEY! THAT'S MY CHICKEN!!" Gaishi yelled. "you have a lot of foods, so share some of the foods to us!" Naisha yelled. "shut up both of you! We are inside the cefeteria, learn some shame!" Naguwi said. I sighed. It's natural for us to see Gaishi and Naisha fighting over nonsense stuff.

"now what do we do?" Zura said and sighed. We looked at her with confusion. "I feel like there's a war approaching" Zura said. "wait? They are now headed to Vasania Academy?" Gaishi asked, we looked at him with furrowed brows. "I mean, there is another war going to happen sooner or later" Zura said.

"what are we waiting for? Let's go and train ourselves!" Naisha said. "but how?" I asked, since we can't compete with each other without knowing our powers much better. "I know how" Naguwi said, we look at him.

"there's this Madina forest. This forest has a lot of wild beast, we can stay there and train" Naguwi said. "are you crazy? You said there's a lot of wild beast in there, so how can we focus on our training?" Naisha reacted. "are you stupid?" Gaishi said while glaring at Naisha.

"we can use those wild beast to train ourselves, right?" I said. Naguwi nodded his head. "if we put on our tents, then those wild beast might destroy it or attack us while we are busy in our tents" Zura has a point. "there's an abandon church in there, so we can stay there. I heard those wild beast don't even come near the church" Naguwi said

"well that's weird" Naisha commented. "we should act now. First, we need to inform the headmaster" Zura said. We nodded our heads in agreement. We stood up and went in headmaster's office. We knock three times before entering. "what brings you here?" Headmaster asked, he didn't even bother to look at us and just keep writing on his documents

"can we train in the Madina forest?" Naguwi asked making the headmaster stop writing and look at us with disbelief. "why?" headmaster asked as he crossed his arms and looks uncomfortable

 "why?" headmaster asked as he crossed his arms and looks uncomfortable

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(author~san: headmaster 👆👆👆)

"we wanted to train ourselves! We don't want to feel useless again" Naisha said. "if we encounter them again... I... No... We, wanted to show them that we are now stronger than before" Zura said. "pls let us train in Madina forest!" Gaishi said. "please" I said and bowed down

I heard the headmaster sighed, I lift my head up to see headmaster writing on a piece of paper. "fine I am letting you to train yourselves" headmaster said as he give the piece of paper to Naguwi. "give that to your advisor and proceed to Madina forest" Headmaster said, we all bowed down before leaving the office.

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