Chap. 28 Flower

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Urara's POV*

"I have never thought Usagura treated me as her friend!" I said to no one while facing my reflection in the mirror and brushing my hair

"Urara? You awake?" Zura's voice outside my room "ah yes! I'm awake and ready for school!" I replied back and get my bag and goes out

"good grief.... Oh! Can we have breakfast at the canteen?" Zyra said "of course!" I replied and give her a smile. As we walk down to the stairs we saw Naisha sitting on the sofa, probably waiting for us

"oh you seems cheerful today, not like yesterday, Urara" Naisha said with a smile "yea, I just remembered something yesterday that's why I'm quite spaced out" I lied

"I see.... But I'm glad your ok now" Naisha said and stand up "let's go?" she added and Zura and I just nodded and went out to our dorm

"what a lovely day" Zura said "yea" Naisha replied


We got in the cafeteria. We ordered food and now, we are finding table to sit and eat

"Guys!" we look at who is it came from and saw Gaishi waving at us with Naguwi, Casval, and the hot chick yesterday. Gaishi mentioned us to join to their table so we walk towards there and sit with them

To be honest, I feel awkward...... Naisha got Gaishi, Zura got Naguwi, and Casval got Ranusha...... Ships.......

To my surprise someone sat besides me and it's...... Makoto

"hey can I sit with you guys?" Makoto ask "you already sat with us" Casval said coldly and Makoto just smiled and turned his gaze towards me

"hey, remember me?" he asks and I just nod and give him a smile "I have something to show you later, can you come with me? I hope your free later" he whispered to my ear and I just nod at him

"what are you guys whispering about?" Gaishi asks "secret" Makoto replied and laugh



It's our math class today...... But oh well, I should think something fun so I can hold my sleepiness

Hmmmmm 1 and 1 cross path together and became 2 couples...... They walked to a path and stopped as they seems to argue which path to go next (Y path), as they finally agreed something..... The two couples demoted...... The girl looked for her lover and found him to another arms...... The boy told her that she is just a toy for him and he don't ecen love her

Days becames months the broken girl is messed up...... What's the value of X? The one who fill u up but demoted himself from u...... He left her with 0% of hope

She walk on her own and found many numbers of peoples...... She found herself with another man....... And that man truly loved her...... They got married..... The family got added and added until she rest in peace......

~ding dong ding dong~

Oh yay! Lunch time then my vacant time! Finally~~ welp..... That help me stayed up! 😃😃😃

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