Chap. 54

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Author~san: Makoto's real name is Chaos Nox Umbrănoctis... Just in case you guys forgot 😅😅😅

Chaos' POV*

I walked around the Castle, as I heard unbearable noises inside my Father's throne room. I took a peek and saw a blood boiling scene. My Father... Is kissing Domine Dianna Bandit, Ranusha or should I say Shauran's mother.....

I stormed away and went to my favorite place

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I stormed away and went to my favorite place.... An abandoned part of the Castle where a huge portrait got abandoned and long forgotten... I stared at it as tears began to fall

It is a portrait of my mother and my father

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It is a portrait of my mother and my father.... When I was 5 years old my father killed my mother in front of me... My mother is very kind, sweet, and gentle, I don't know why she fell in love with my father.... Now... My Father is hooking up with that b****

I walked out of that abandoned place and went to where Usagi is been looked. She noticed my presence and looked at me. "Makoto? what are you doing in here?" Usagi asked. "my real name is Chaos, you are inside my Father's kingdom...." I said. "so you are the prince of this Castle, how can you be able to enter our academy?" Usagi asked.

I smiled at her and showed my magic. I'm a fire user. But my fire is not like the others, the color of my flames are blue and violet. "h-how..." she was confused. "my mother is from another dimension, she's a celestial fire user... I know you already have been in the other dimension" I said as I look at her sharply. She was about to say something when my father appeared

"CHAOS! what are you doing in here?!" my Father said angryly. "seems like you are done flirting with Domine and I live here" I said and walk away. "show some respect to your King!" he shouted, I ignored him. 'you are not worth of my respect' I said in my mind.

Zura's POV*

Me and my friends are in the garden, sitting on the plain grass, full of bandages. "guys?" I called but they are occupied. I guess this is what Urara said the day before yesterday. "hey! Snap out of it!" I shouted, making them look at me. "I-I'm sorry" Naisha said and burst into tears. I rub her back and try comforting her.

"So this is what Urara said... It is indeed shocking... And painful..." Naguwi said full of sadness. I can't do nothing and watch my friends so affected. I am also affected but I need to be tough.... "hey guys I have questions!" I said try to light the gloomy aura in here. "what is it?" Naisha asked. I was struck by a thunder to what Naisha just asked. 'uhhh what should I question them?' I asked in my mind. "uhhhh.. Uhhh... who is Urara's first kiss?" I asked

Naisha looked at the boys. Casval, Naguwi, and Gaishi looked to one another. "me" they said in unison then looked to one another with furrowed brows. "what?" Casval asked. "I should be the one asking that to you guys" Gaishi said. "I accidentally kiss Urara on the lips when we played tag back in the orphanage" Naguwi said and shrugged his shoulders. "soooo... Naguwi is Urara's first kiss?" Naisha butted in. Naguwi shrugged his shoulders

"real talk boys! Do you like Urara more than a friend?" I asked at them. "long ago" they said in unison. "ohohoho who is your crush now?" Naisha asked with a teasing face. "you" Gaishi immediately said to Naisha. Is it just me or I saw sparkles around them?

Naguwi brought out a perfume and sprays it around. "anti-love spray" Naguwi said with disgust face. The two love birds burst out laughing. "you're just jealous because you still haven't found 'the one' for you" Gaishi teased, Naguwi rolled his eyes in annoyance. We looked at Casval who is just silently sitting and watching us emotionless.

"Casval?" I called. "I don't believe in love anymore" Casval said. Now that I realize, Ranusha is not here clinging on Casval. Me, Naguwi, Gaishi, and Naisha looked at each other and gaze back to Casval. "Ranusha... Where is she?" Naisha asked hesitantly. "she's a traitor" Casval said coldly. We grouped hug comforting ourselves.

"mind if you share on what did you guys experience yesterday in the fight?" I asked. "my long lost sister... Betrayed us.... She wanted to be the soon-to-be Queen to our kingdom, but when our parents gave birth to me, the throne chooses me" Naisha said and burst into tears.

"my brother and his fiance which is Urara's sister in mortal world... Betrayed me" Gaishi said and clench his fist. Naguwi looked at away and sighed. "my brothers and sisters back in the orphanage... Are all in dark magicians' side.." Naguwi said. I looked down. "my mother... Is on the dark magicians' side" I said, making them look at me. I burst into tears. I just can't hold my tears anymore..

"the hardest part is... You didn't even had the chance to be with your mother while you are slowly growing up.... As soon as my mother gave birth to me, my grandmother kicked her out and didn't even let her see me... I only saw my mother from pictures... Now... I finally saw her.... But.... She's on the dark magicians' side now" I said and cried more... I just wanted to cry and cry.

Naisha rubbed my back and hugged me tightly. "I'm not a royalty... When I was still a kid... I'm just nobody" Casval said, making us face him. He is emotionless, cold, and distant. "I live poorly with my parents, I never experience a love of a parent... The day my mother and father abandoned me in the forest, Ranusha saw me and took me in her house, taking care of me.... That's when I fell for her... She's the first girl who made my heart skip a beat" Casval said.

"then one day, a royalty visited my parents' house and asked where I am. My parents said they don't have a child nor know me.... Ranusha told the royalties about my whereabouts. The royalty took me and said the throne chooses me, when my parents found out that the throne chooses me.... They went to me and said how much they love me and stuff like that..... I turned them down and abandoned them just like how they abandoned me" Casval said full of anger.

"then that bloody war happened... They sended me to the mortal world and met Urara, who made my heart beat again... Maybe It's just an infatuation.... Then Urara left me then I met Ranusha once again... I told myself, I would never ever let her go or lose her ever again.... But now..." Casval didn't finished his story and just stormed away.

"I heard that princess Usagi got kidnapped by the dark magicians" Gaishi said, breaking the cold silence. "what?! Why didn't you said that to us earlier?!" Naguwi yelled. "I thought who guys knew?" Gaishi said. Naguwi walked away hurriedly. 'what the hell is going on' I said in my mind

Author~san: yoooowwww!! Guys Chaos' flame is in the multi-media... That's Chaos' magic, cool right??

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