New Transfered Student?

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Naisha's POV*

H I remember me? If you forgot about me in Sayurie Naisha the one and only campus's Lolita

But the way I'm behind the tree stalking my Prince Charming Casval

He is handsome as always

Casval's POV*

'There is something about that nerd' I said to my mind then

"Casval!" Some one shouted my name making me look and surprising it was the nerd with her best friend the school campus princess

"Casval how are you?" Urara said "fine..." I said then she smiles that's great

*dug dug, dug dug,dug dug*

Tsk I think I have a sick "casval you OK?" She said with her beautiful eyes wai a minute did I say beautiful? Then I take back!

"Casval?" She said but I just look away "yea I'm fine" I said still looking away "owkey...." Urara said

"Oi guyz stop making me feel I'm just a third Wheeler here!" Zura said pouting then urara laugh "Zura with that beautiful face of yours you can't be the third Wheeler you know!" Urara said "aw thx bes you really know how to cheer me up!" Zura said hyper

Ayst girls! "Did we annoyed you casval?" Urara said worriedly "no not at all" I said

Naisha's POV*

Why does she always clinging with my Casval! Agh! What did they see her?! For me she is just a damn b**** flirter!!!

I hate her I hate her! She's just an ugly duckling b**** lost in the creepy ugly woods!

Agh! She always bugged me! Will little magic trick will do!

I just use my magic which is ice! I created a crystal ice as she walk and walk then tripped because of my crystal ice

Everybody laughs at her then zura get her up even myself I laugh of loud!

"Urara you OK?" Zura said worriedly making me sick that she cares for an ugly girl like her!

"Ice? Why ice? It's not winter yet" urara said stupidly 

Zura's POV*

Ice? I think it's a magic! Oh no don't tell me. I look at Casval making a sign and he understand me of course he do me and casval are a pure blood elemental magic users

"We're gonna be late if won't hurry" Casval said making the confused terrified urara calm "y-yea" urara said

Then we continue to walk towards to our classrooms

~little minute pass by~

"OK quiet down class as you heard we will have a new transfer student" the teacher said "OK you may come in"

Then a good looking boy come in his a good looking guy I open my mouth as I saw him

Then a good looking boy come in his a good looking guy I open my mouth as I saw him

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((That's the new transfer student BTW))

Urara's POV*

I was so shock to see the new transfer student it made my eyes widen

"Hi my name is Hasuya Gaishi! Nice to meet you all!" Gaishi said

"OK Mr. Hasuya you set in front of Mr. Kinmura" the teacher said which is in the back" the teacher said 'oh no!' I said to my mind

"OK teacher!" Gaishi said then walk towards to his seat


Everyone is in the cafeteria but me, Zura, Casval, and Gaishi is in the classroom

"Hi I'm Hasuya Gaishi! Just call me Gaishi" Gaishi said "hi Gaishi I'm Zura, Kamiguchi Zura!" Zura said with a smile "nice to meet you Zura!" Gaishi said then look at Casval

"I'm Kinmura Casval just call me Casval" casval said and look at me "do we meet before?" Gaishi said then I sweat drop "n-no" I said looking away then he stared at me

"Ah hah!!!!! I knew it! It was y-" I cut Gaishi to what he wanna tell by covering his mouth "OK OK OK you got me it's me just pls shut your big mouth!" I said then released him

"I knew it!" Gaishi said laughing "shut it!" I said "so urara how's hell?" Gaishi said "here and there always a slave by demons" I said boredly then Gaishi laugh

"How's big bro George?" I said then he smile sad "his.... His always on the bar drunk after he knew big sis Uira died" he said still in his sad smile then flashback came to my mind when that disaster begone 'it's all my fault' I said to my mind then tears falling down to my eyes

"Urara it's not you fault pls stop crying big sis Uira won't like seeing you cry" Gaishi said but I still cry "urara stop blaming your self it's not your fault" Gaishi Added

"B-but i-it i-is *sob* m-may f-fault *sob sob*" I said sobbing

"What's wrong?" Zura said worriedly then Gaishi hugged me

"Will Big sis Uira is Urara's big sister" Gaishi said hugging be for comfort

"Urara have big sister?" Zura said then Gaishi nodded

"Big sis Uira is indeed a beautiful girl in the world she act's like a true perfect princess  she is kind, golden heart, elegant, smart, and an ideal girl by all man" Gaishi Said

"Wow in my life I really wish I have a sister like that" zura said with sad eyes

"My big brother was lucky to have big sis Uira to be his Girlfriend. Big bro confess to her then big sis Uira said she have feelings for my big brother too. Then they become closer and closer until our family arranged marriage knowing they already have a relationship" Gaishi said

"then that disaster came when urara and big sis Uira was walking back home from there shopping a gangs surround her then Big sis Uira fight them but it's no use she have no strength to fight bunch of man then they raped big sis Uira-" I cut him off

"in front of me I was scared frightened then my big sister signalling me to run away but my feet got weak then I fall from my every owned feet watching her terrified scared then they killed my sister in front of me then they looked at me then I run fast as I could..... I-it's all my fault! If I was strong enough to protect my sister I would do it she is the only one that loves me in our family..... I-if I just protect her she will be alive by now, if I was strong enough, if I was brave enough, if I was-" I was cut off by Gaishi

"Enough! Urara, big sis do that because she don't want you to get in the mess... It's OK it's not your fault urara" Gaishi said

"I didn't know about all of your history bes can you tell me everything? Will we are half day today so pls?" Zura pleaded then I sign then nod

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