chap. 21

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Urara's POV*

Today is Sunday and a boring day. I'm at my room staring outside the window *sigh*

'Maybe singing will help my boredom gone a little' I said to my mind

🎶 lay down your head and i'll sing you a lullaby
back to the years of loo-li-lai-lay
and i'll sing you to sleep and i'll sing you tomorrow
bless you with love for the road that you go 🎶

'This song that I'm sing right now is so familiar but I can't remember where I heard it' I said to my mind

🎶 May you sail fair to the far fields of fortune
with diamonds and pearls at your head and your feet
and may you need never to banish misfortune
may you find kindness in all that you meet 🎶

'I felt.... I felt missing..... Missing someone that used to sing this to me but.... I don't remember' I said to my mind

🎶 may there be angels to watch over you
to guide you each step of the way
to guard you and keep you safe from all the harm
loo-li, loo-li, lai-lay 🎶

'You know the feeling that..... Singing this unknown song and.... You felt you heard this song that you keep on thinking and where in the world you pick it but ended up headache?.... That's what I felt now..... I wanna know.... I wanna know badly about this..... This feeling about a forgotten past and want to discover it' I said to my mind and tears falling down

🎶 may you bring love and may you bring happiness
be loved in return to the end of your days
now fall off to sleep, i'm not meaning to keep you
i'll just sit for a while and sing loo-li, lai-lay 🎶

'Why am I crying? It hurts.... And I don't know why.... Is it because I want to know about what am I thinking and about this unknown song that kept bothering my system? And--' my thoughts have been cut by a knock on my door

"Come in" I said as I wipe my tears away "hey ura-- what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Zura said worriedly "oh a dirt just got in my eyes" I said and fake smile

"Oh.....okay...." Zura said still not satisfied "oh breakfast is ready. Let's eat?" Zura said smiling and I just nod and head out with zura

"Hey bes let's eat!" Naisha said hyper "OK" I said and smile sweetly and we began to eat

"Hey urara why are you crying earlier?" Zura said making me stop eating "it's nothing" I said look away

"Hell ya nothing" Zura said not believing me "OK OK OK.... It's just that..... I want to know about my forgotten past" I said not sure

"Forgotten past?" Naisha said "yea..... I don't know but.... I've got a feeling that I've forgot something..... Something that is part of me" I said

"Well..... We're always here with you" Naisha said and smile at me sweetly "Zura I found out you like Naguwi and Naisha like Gaishi..... Imma right or imma right?" I said smirking while watching them with their red tomato face

"N-no!" Naisha said still blushing "denying?" I said still smirking "u-ummm what should we do today?" Zura said changing the topic "hahahahaha pffft hahahahaha...... Guys calm down" I said laughing


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