Chap. 51 Princess' Broken Heart

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Usagi's POV*

"for the last battle! Prince Casval and Prince Makoto!" Mrs. Alonzo announced. That Casval guy and Makoto went on the stage face to face. 'I can't wait to see what magic are you holding' I said in my mind as I am looking forward to know his magic

"let the battle..... Begin!" Mrs. Alonzo announced. Casval started to throw fire balls, as Makoto dodged it. Casval cast a fire blast but Makoto dodged every Casval's attacks. Makoto rush towards Casval and in a blink of an eye he hit Casval's stomach. Everyone began to gossip around

I ignored their whispers and just focus my gaze at them. 'why aren't you using your magic? Afraid that they'll know your secret?' I said in my mind. After Makoto's kick on Casval's stomach, Casval seems he can't stand up anymore. The battle ends and Makoto win.

The headmaster decided to let us rest until tomorrow. A lot of students went back to their dorms as I followed Makoto. Makoto stopped in his tracks in the garden. "you can come out now" Makoto said. I showed myself with my arms crossed. "what is your magic?" I asked directly

"Earth user" he said and a rose appread in his hand. "really?" I said, not believing him. I know he has a big secret. "yes... Really" Makoto replied "why did you choose this academy?" I asked. "because of someone" he replied. "who is that someone?" I asked, he smiled at me

"it's a secret" he said. "is that 'someone' a she or a he?" I asked like a jealous girlfriend... OK I am jealous... "a she" he said with a smile. "is she really that special to you?" I asked. "very much" he replied. My heart bleed. "who is she?" I asked. "like I said... It's a secret" Makoto said and left. I stood at the garden. 'is it that Ranusha girl or that elementary purple haired girl?!' I said in my mind

(author~san: Naisha is a loli.... So yeah... she's smol... You can say Gaishi is a lolicon 😆😆😆 I am so so so sorry for Gaishi 😂😂😂)

I went in my dorm and sleep with a broken heart. Makoto is the first boy I ever fell in love with... I.... Can't lose him.... If I can't have him... No one can! I am the princess of Castle De Vania... And I will get what I want!

Makoto's POV*

After a conversation with princess Usagi. I left her, I know it's not good to left a girl behind all on her own, so I am sorry my love but I just don't feel comfortable with another girl around me when it is not you

"how's the conversation?" Hecktor asked. "uncomfortable" I replied. "what now?" Hecktor asked. "I don't know... I am still waiting for her" I said. "what if... That day come?" he asked making me stop. 'I don't want her to die' I said in my mind

"listen Hecktor, when that day come... Pls, I'm begging you as your friend.... Bring her far away from me... Bring her to my favorite spot... I don't want her to see in that state" I said begging to my friend Hecktor. "I... Will try" Hecktor responded.

"Makoto, you carried too much burden... Just go see her, just one last time... Your time is only limited" Nino appread beside me. "he is right, Makoto" Hecktor said. "I'll think about it" I said as we went back to our dorm.

I stayed in my room and lock myself up. I am hesitating with my choices. I looked at my hourglass places on the table beside my bed. "time is limited" I said to myself. 'I just need this one night... One night with you' I stand up and get my teleportation device and teleport to the other dimension at exactly her room's balcony. I knocked on her window

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