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Urara's POV*

I still remember yesterday I met my real brother and I was so happy t-

"Urara hurry up or we will be late for our first day of school!!!!" Zura shouted cutting my thoughts

"Okok coming!" I shout back and goes down stairs and just took a sandwich and runs outside where they are waiting

"Hahahahaha seriously urara?? Your just eating sandwich for today???" Naguwi tease then I just mentally face palm

"You can't go to class if your tummy is empty you dummy!" Naguwi teased again and laugh and I still in my face palm face

"OK guyz snap it out we need to go to our class or we will be late!" Naisha point out then we goes to our class

"Hmmmm we're in A star class???" I said with curious face

"A star class is just for higher and powerful ranking like the pure blood elementalers" naguwi said

"Pure blood elementalers???" I said with perfect fake curious face 'hahahahaha I already know about it but eh I just need to act I have no idea or they will find out!' I said to my mind

"Hmmm will-" naguwi was cut of by the bell

*dig dong ding, ding dong ding*

Agh it's so loud! "OK now let's go guyz!" Gaishi said then open the door of our classroom and we sat down

"Hmmm where's the other students???" I question out of the blue "we are the only students here" Casval said with his poker face

'Hah what's wrong with him' I said to my mind and a man just came in "hello students! Mind if you introduced your selves???" The man said with a smile

Then Naguwi stand up "I'm Kuntaru Naguwi, I'm a pure blood elemental metal warrior" naguwi said smiling

"I'm Kamiguchi Zura, I'm a pure blood elemetal Water User" zura said standing then set down

"Hi I'm Hasuya Gaishi, pure blood elemental Earth User" Gaishi said

"Hello! I'm Sayurie Naisha, I'm a pure blood elemental ice user" naisha said

'Oh so naisha is the one made that crystal ice but eh I don't hate her for that she's kind, and I know naisha have a crush on casval back at mortal world' I said to my mind

"I'm Kinmura Casval, pure blood elemental fire user" casval said then I stand up

"I'm Tsayumi Urarasagi, I'm a illusionist" I said then set down

"OK now I meet you all, my name is Mr. Dunshin Minji and I'm your teacher at your mathematics class" Mr. Dunshin said


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