Chap. 29 Puzzle

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Urara's POV*

'It's still early.....' I got up, took a bath, put on clothes and got out of our dorm. It's still dark outside. I went at the Garden Maze, I still remember the way to where I got to meet with my mom long ago.

I sat on the grass and watch the dark starry sky "every darkness has it's own spark" I said 'weird, it feels like I already said that long ago with...... Someone?'

I took a deep breathe and feel the wind blowing. I lie down on the grass and didn't noticed that I fall asleep


It's about my childhood when I was still on the orphanage at the mortal world. I was with Casval at the playground, staring at the sunset

"hey, don't be so down, ok? It's not good for a girl to cry" Casval said and wipe my tears away. I broke something valuable at the orphanage.

'I'm happy to remember this childhood of mine' I said to my mind

I froze when the theme changed, I was at the forest crying, then a little boy but I can't see his face since it was blurry, he came towards me and gave me a Flaming Flower 'wait..... This was my dream earlier!' I said to my mind

After that...... Everything went black then Usagura appeared out of nowhere "Usagura" I called

"miss me?" she asks and I just smiled at her. "I'm confuse" I said. "about what?" she asks. "this..... This dreams I am having....." I said

"don't let it in you and btw, u must wake up before you are going to be late for class" she said and smirk. "oh yea!" I said and wakes up

I look at the sky and it's still dark, I grab my watch and it says it's still 5:13 a.m. I went back to the dorm and prepare for school.

As I got prepared and went out of my room, Zura is also heading for my room. "oh your awake already. Let's go? We are having breakfast at the cafeteria again" she said

"ok" I replied and we went to the cafeteria with Naisha. "how's your dream?" Naisha asks. "it's confusing but it's fine" I said and saw Naisha just nod


We already got our order and sat on the table, now all we need to do is eat. As we are about to eat somebody joined out table. "aws,not waiting for us?" Gaishi said while pouting

"stop pouting, u look like a duck" Naisha said. "wow, I'm too handsome to ba a duck" Gaishi said. "tsk, did the weather forecast tell us that there is a huge wind is coming just about now?" Naisha said

"alright, no fighting in front of the foods" Naguwi said and started to eat. "Cascas! Here, say ahh" Ranusha said while feeding Casval with a spoonful of food

"don't tell me Casval is going to be fat because of her?" Naguwi whispered to me and all I just did was to chuckled at what he just said "are you really sure you're ok with this? I mean, you have a huge crush on Casval since you were just little kids" he whispered again making me stunt for a little while

I look around me, Gaishi is With a cat-and-dog fight with Naisha while Zura was enjoying watching them, Ranusha and Casval is still on there lovey-dovey scene. I look at Naguwi who is continuing to eat his food

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