Chap. 23

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Zura's POV*

'h-how???' I said to my mind still shocked "you must be wondering how did I know, right?" Urara said

"H-how?" Naisha said still shocked "oh.... I though you two already knew about who i'am" urara said making me and Naisha look each other

"What do you mean?" I said confused "i---" Urara was cut off by a noise down stairs and then the barrier disappeared

"Oh hey girls!" Gaishi said smiling as he got beside Naisha's door "ummmm.... Why you three looking at me like I interrupted a serious conversation here?" Gaishi said 'slow =_=' I said to my mind

"Oh it's nothing" urara said "hey---" naguwi was cut off "urara did you tell them already?" Naguwi said making us confused and look at urara "I was about to...." Urara said

"OK now I'm confused!" Gaishi said "I'm going to tell to all of you" urara said and go down and sit on the coach where Casval is sitting so we four sit down on the coach then the barrier suddenly appeared again

"Ummm naguwi.... I don't know where to start" urara said with panicking face "urara hold the Glory key" naguwi said immediately

"Like seriously?" Urara said "wait what?!?!?!" We all said except naguwi and urara "she's the long lost princess" naguwi said not even having second thoughts

"What are you talking about?" Casval said impatiently "like I said urara is the long lost princess" naguwi said and look at urara who just sit and behave like a good girl

"I've got separated from my mom.... When I heard someone sing a song I was pulled by it insisting me to see who sang..... And that day I meet Queen Mayuri.... And.... Granny already knew about me" urara said

"Granny?" Gaishi said then a old woman appeared "Q-Queen Elaine" we said then bow down except for Urara she just smiled

"Oh pls kids don't bow down, a friend of my granddaughter is a friend of mine" Queen Elaine said. Wait granddaughter

"I'm just here to say protect Usagi.... The Dark magicians already knew about the princess have come back.... Well.... Your family did not know that you've come back" Queen Elaine said and look at Urara

"So you are really Princess Usagi?" Casval said still can't believed it then she nodded "for now I need your help.... I need to find my self" urar- Princess Usagi said

"Wait find yourself?" Gaishi said "psst have respect" naisha said then urar- princess Usagi said

"Pls just call me Urara and threat me like as usual" Urara said then we just nod

"Urara what do you mean to help you find yourself" naisha said "yup... I really need help" I said

"See to see,
Eye to eye,
Describ the whole,
In your running Life,
Time is ticking,
Find the dark,
Within in the mirrors eyes,
Life circle of your past,
Finding the lost part"

Urara said "huh?" Naisha said "Usagi you need to be be careful.... All eyes are on you" Queen Elaine said then urara just nod then Queen Elaine disappeared

"We are here to serve you, your highness" Casval said "I know.... Beshy" urara said but I didn't hear the last word she just said then I look at Casval's shocked face

"Casval?" Naguwi said snapping him into the real world "oh huh?" Casval said "oh nothing" naguwi said

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