Chap. 40 I'm Lost (travel To Galaxie)

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Naguwi's POV*

Altho we got the gems except the gem from Galaxie Land... Urara is still as hard headed as ever, she convinced us to continue... She wanted to know something in there.... Casval is still in silence with a cold aura surrounding him, I don't know why

"Urara! My Aunt said Galaxie is a dangerous land to go to! I don't want you to risk your life for just that gem!" Zura argued. Yes, it has been 5 hours and we are still arguing about this. "I am fine" Urara reassured

"I won't let you" Casval butted in. "Casval, I can handle this.... You can go back to the academy, but I just can't hold back my curiosity...." Urara said. "your curiosity?" Gaishi asked.

"yes, I have been curious about this Galaxie Land... I am so eager to know something... Like... It is so connected to me" Urara said. "okay..." I said making them face me. "Naguwi?" Naisha's brows furrowed

"we should respect her decision" I said and smiled sadly at Urara as she brightly smiled back at me. "NO!" Casval said filled with anger. "Casval, you shouldn't make decisions for Urara" I said. Casval gave me a cold glare and said, "Urara is not going" he ended the conversation as he walked away.

"it is now decided... I need to go now" Urara said full with confidence, I nodded my head... Knowing Urara, she has been like that ever since we were kids. It's not a surprise to me tho, but I am really worried for her.... She is like a real sister to be

And just like that, she put her hoodie on and walked away. Naisha almost cried. "we are going to see her again, right? She won't leave us, right? She would definitely come back..... Right?..." Naisha said. I darted my stare at Zura and saw her staring the path where Urara went to, with a glimpse of sadness and worried

"knowing Urara, she's a strong girl!" Gaishi said, encouraging Naisha. I walked towards Zura, "are you okay?" I asked, she looked at me and smiled fakely. "I know she will..... She... Will come back... She have to..." just like that, she left me standing and dumbfound... This is the first time I have seen Zura like this, she is lifeless, the elegant and mature Zura became cold and lifeless

'be safe' I said to myself as Urara's face pop out of my head. We stared to camp. As Casval came back, he tilted his head sideways as if he is looking for someone, I approached him. "are you looking for Urara?" I asked, he gave me a cold stare... I'm not used to his real form, his venomous golden eyes and his black messy hair with a little bit yellow strips on his hair in his elegant black vampire-like clothes.... He became so different

"where is she?" he asked with his cold gesture. "she's a hard-headed girl" I said, base on his expression, he understand... He looked away with his raging eyes... "Tomorrow... We are going back..." Gaishi announced making us face him. "how about Urara?" Naisha asked. "we can't do anything.... Even if we catch up with her, we still can't go in the Galaxie Land" Zura said

'I hope your alright'

Urara's POV*

I won't give up.... I will... And definitely need to understand what Usagura meant... I need to know....

I stopped and camp for the night... I put and illusion spell around my tent just in case. I lay down and let darkness swallow me.


"are you ready?" Usagura popped out of nowhere. "yes" I said confidently, she smiled. "expect the unexpected" She said making me confused. "oh... Alright?" I said hesitantly, she smiled and vanished. My brows furrowed, as I look back

I saw the same glowing tall Sakura tree beneath the starry sky. I walked towards there and as expected. He is also there. "Esne certus vos erant 'iens Galaxie? (Are you sure you're going to Galaxie?)" He asked, I nodded my head. "Goodluck" he added and walked away, I looked at his back as he started to dissappear

His voice, is so calming yet gentle..
I feel like I miss him... I looked up to the sky 'Ranusha, why... He likes you?...' I said to myself. "Aya! I'm such an idiot! Why would I compare myself to her?! And besides... He can love who ever he likes! Hmp! Stupidity hit me again... Oh my... Why am I talking to myself?" I really look like an idiot, talking to myself alone

I guess... People really change... Hmm... I should focus on my mission... I shouldn't let any distraction in my way

But... I just can't help feeling so little whenever I think of Ranusha.... I think I envy her? Wait wait? For what? And for who? Why would I even envy her? Oh my! I think I'm going crazy, I should see a doctor sooner

"eh?" that is all I could say when I noticed the sky is like it is breaking... As I fell into the darkness I woke up in my tent. "What?" I asked confusedly and look around me... I'm really confused... Am I really crazy??

I sighed.. 'what happened to me?' is all I could asked for myself. I looked around me and find myself missing my friends. I thought I could see Zyra and Naishi beside me with their smile. Gaishi's noisy greetings when we go out our tent. Naguwi's gentle greeting smile and Casval's cold but caring face

I feel lonely.... Trapped inside darkness and nowhere to go.... But... I have decided to continue my mission... And I should do it

After being crazy I finally got up and pack my things and ready to continue towards Galaxie Land. As I was packing my things, I got alert when someone is trapped inside my illusion around my tent. 'someone's here' I said to myself and didn't let my guard down


I heard a small wolf's growl and howl. "eh? Wolf?" I said to nobody, I looked around with heavy sweat. 'what now?' I asked myself. I inhale and exhale then disabled my illusion spell and saw a white small wolf

----- to be continued!

Author~san: sorry for taking so long to update 😅😅😅 anyways... Uhh.... I don't have any topics for today so... See you guys in the next chapter!!!

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