Chap. 43 Where?

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Author~san: That's Parva Stea's real form / Usagura's real form

Lumine's POV*

My master feel down on the ground while staring at the girl in front of us. Speaking of this girl, she looks like my master except, she has short hair and blue eyes. She is cool, but my master is more cool!

I noticed my master's eyes shuttled, I called out her name. "you're Lumine right?" the girl asked, I growl at the girl. This girl is really weird, she has this scent like my master. "pls be always by her side" she said and smiled.

"who are you?" I finally spoke. "Parva Stea, you'll know my family name soon. For now, you can call me Stea" she said and walks away. Before I can even talk to her, a hole suddenly appear making me and master fall down

I closed my eyes and waiting for the impact. Minutes pass by but still no impact, so I opened my eyes and found myself laying on a grassy field with Master. I notice how my master's hair becomes different

Now that her hair turns silver, she really resembles to that Stea girl. What is really going on?. I tried to wake my master up.

"Master?" I tried to call again and finally she slowly opening her eyes. Her eyes becomes red. Us mythical wolves can see humans or magician's real form. So I'm not surprise with her transformation

"Lumine?" she called without smiling. 'I knew it... This is the master I have been serving for the pass days' I said to my mind as I stare at her. "Master, Are you ok?" I asked, she nodded her head and patted me

She look around her and found herself in an unknown place. "where are we?" she asked. I have been here before....

"we are in the ancient dimension ruled by Queen Regium Ipsius de Magia Ușoarătenebris together with her husband, King Fiul coșmarurilor Ușoarătenebris... This world is under antiquorumÎntuneric VechiLux Palace" I said.

"long names...." my master said blankly. "by the way, how do you know so much?" Master questioned, I looked at her. "I have once lived here long ago" I said. "then why are you in the Vanasha world?" Master asked.

"wild mythical beasts started to destroy our home, my parents have no choice but to send me in Vanasha world...." I replied. My master patted my head as she comforted me

"Lumine... Want to go on a journey with me in here?" Master asked. "I will follow where ever you go, master!" I energetically said. "then let's go on a journey!" my master full of excitement

Then she suddenly froze. "master?" I called. I followed where is it staring and saw her, staring her reflection on a small pond near us. "what happened to my hair and eyes?!?! And also my clothes!" she overreacted

"now I looked like Usagura!" she said staring to her own reflection. "that's really you master" I happily said. She breathes out. "let's just start our journey" she said and walks away, so I followed her

Naisha's POV*

We finally got back to the academy with our gems except Urara's gem... I missed her already.

"hey! I know she will be back" Gaishi broke the silences that surrounds us. Before I could speak, a voice butted in. "Cascas!" Ranusha called. "Ran" Casval spoke in a soft voice ang embrace his lover...

"pests" Zira whispers, I almost laugh. "how's your mission?" Ranusha asked. "flirt" i whispers. "it was hard, but we managed to finish our task" Casval smiled sweetly at her.

"look at that bish... Smiling as if nothing happened to Urara" zura whispers with annoyance. "his a jerk" Gaishi whispers. "what a eyes sore" Naguwi whispers, while glaring at the two flirting couples. Good thing we are a little bit far from them

"I can't believe it... After the mission, I already saw pests and a sore to my eyes in the academy" I whispered. "wait... Is that Urara?!" Gaishi shouted making us look back and saw Urara!

We run towards her. "Urara! How did ya get here?!" Gaishi questioned. "are you hurt?" Naguwi questioned. "how's your mission?" Zura asked. "I'm glad you're already here" I said.

She smirked. "Urarasagi?" She questioned making us froze. "oh I'm not Urarasagi. I'm the real princess of Castle De Vania" she said arrogantly and walked away with a smile. We are frozen....

"what... Happened to her?" Naguwi is the first one to talk. "is she really the real princess?" Casval asked with his furrowed brows. "she is the real princess..." Ranusha said seriously

"what do you mean?" Zura asked. "I can sense people's ability and spiritual energy. That girl... Has the light spiritual magic within her... Such a strong magic..." Ranush said

"then where's Urara?" Gaishi looked at us with sadness and worried in his eyes. "S-she will come back..." Naguwi said looking down on the ground. 'be safe...' I said in my mind

Author~san: I'll update next time 😅😅😅 the ending of this story is so close yet so far 😂😂😂 look forward everyone! X3

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