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Urara's POV*

I wake up Early to prepare our things for our up coming event in Friday and today is Sunday then we will have to over night in our school

I packed my things that I need then i'm ready to rock

"Good I'm done" I said to myself ready to go "waitta minute I forgot my nerdy face and my make up kit!!!!!" I said rushing to my make up kit and put my fake pimples and my thick nerdy glasses "pwew I almost forgot" I said putting my make up kit in my bag and go down stairs and saw Zura

"Zura! Good morning!" I said smiling "good morning urara let's go!" Zura said then I just nod

~time skip~

We arrived at the school's gate and saw Casval

"Casval!" I shouted then he turn around and look at us "good morning!" I said to him "good morning urara and zura" he said then we walk towards to our classroom

Someone's POV*

Agh I hate that nerd bitch! You will meet me someday and I'll break your bones!

Casval's POV*

'Tsk why does there so annoying! Getting angry at this nerd.... Wait what's her name again?....hmmm...a....e....I....o....u-u-u-u-URARA!!!! Wait Urarasagi Tsayumi sounds familiar but I don't remember from my m-' I was cut of when urara calls my name "casval something wrong?" She said

"Nothings wrong" I said

"Hey gurl it's Casval and his with zura and THE NERD!" girl 2 said

'Tsk what's their problem at urara?' I said to my mind

"Waaah casval!!!"
"Oh my gawd his so handsome"
"Oh my catch me gurls I'm dying just seeing casval"
"Oh girl your so oa"
"I'm OK if casval is with zura but with that nerd it makes that she's just over passing"
"Yeah ah"

'Tsk what's their problem?'

~day skippu!~

Urara's POV*

It's our festival day today! I look outside seeing lot of people coming to our show I'm so nervous "urara is my dress look good on me?" Zura said making me turn around and saw a beautiful princess in front of me "bes your sooooooo beautiful!, your the most beautiful princess I ever saw in my life!" I said

"Waaaaah thank you bes!" Zura said hugging me then casval finally show his outfit 'h-h-his so handsome!!!!!' I said to my mind

"Waaaaah casval your so freakin hot handsome!"
"The prince outfit is good on you XD"
"I hope I was just Juliet!"
"Prince casval kyaaaaaaah!!!!!!"

My ear drums will explode because of them shouting then I look at my watch "ummm guyz sorry to interrupt but it's show time!" I said making them all look at me then back to work

~time skip~

Our show is done and we all clean our things and go home

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