Chap. 58 Book

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Gaishi's POV*

I am inside a forest. I am here to practice and make myself stronger and stronger. 'I need to....' I said in my mind as I keep practicing.

"what are you doing in here?" a familiar voice said, I looked back and saw Naguwi. "practicing" I said. "mind if I join?" Naguwi asked. I stared at him. "I don't mind" I said and smiled at him.

"how can my Earth magic win against your magic?" I asked. "wait let me just remember what Urara said to me back then" he said. 'Urara.... How are you now? Where are you?? We miss you' I said in my mind.

"'you don't have to use magic all the time, use tactics and make your own unique magic tricks' that's what she said" Naguwi said. "what? How?" I asked. "dunno" he said and shrugged his shoulder. "let's try combat?" I said. Naguwi nodded his head. "I'm fine with it" he said.

We are already on our position, but stopped when we felt a presence. "Naguwi? Gaishi?" Naisha's voice called. Then she saw us. Her face was all serious and a bit hesitant. "I have something to show you guys... Secret garden now" she said.

We started to walked towards the secret garden we went last time. As we got there, we saw Casval and Zura are already there, sitting on a plain grass surrou by different kind of flowers. "what is it that you wanted to show us?" Casval asked as soon as he saw us. "I... I got this when I went inside Urara's room in our dorm" she said as she took out a book inside her bag. "what the heck is that?" I asked.

"earlier, this book glowed so I took it out. The seal in this book got unlocked so I opened it out of curiosity" she said. "what it said?" Naguwi asked with curiosity in his tone. "can you guys till me what is this other dimension thingy?" Naisha asked

"other dimension?" I asked. "yeah in the first page in this book, it said 'other dimension'... So maybe you guys knew?" Naisha said. "let me read it" Naguwi said. "the languages in here is out of world" Naisha said as she give it to Naguwi.

Naguwi started to look at it, but his brow got furrowed. "what the hell" Naguwi said, we were so curious so we took a peek and we can't even understand the language written in the book. "this is insane" Zura commented

Naguwi put the book down and went to find something inside her bag. Btw, we brought our bag with us so don't be confused as why our bags appeared

Naguwi took out a book inside his bag. The title of the book is 'Mage's History'. "what's that?" I asked, Naguwi looked at me with furrowed brows. "a book, obviously" he said, I rolled my eyes. "I mean, what's the connection of that history book of yours to this crazy alien book" I said.

"clues?" he said, more like a question. Anyways, he started to look into his history book. "I am going crazy just seeing this books" Naisha said. "does Urara know this language?" Zura said, making us look at her. "maybe" Casval said.

Naguwi continue to search inside his history book as we are commenting at what the hell is going on or how to train ourselves to grow stronger. "how can we counter the disadvantages of our magic?" The question I wanted to ask

"didn't teacher Urara told you about this, Naguwi?" Naisha asked Naguwi who is still searching in his history book. "she didn't... But she gave me an advice" Naguwi said and shrugged his shoulder. "what did she told you?" Casval asked. Naguwi looked at us. "'you don't have to use magic all the time, use tactics and make your own unique magic tricks' that's what she said" Naguwi said

"I remembered something! Back in Urara's room, there's a person in there but I didn't saw her or his face since it's really dark in Urara's room but I'm sure it is boy.... I opened the light out of fear but he disappeared, I crawled under Urara's bed and got this book with this paper.... After getting this paper on the last page of the book, the seal just appeared around this book" Naisha said as she showed us something. Then we looked at each other.

Criză's POV*

"maaaassssttttteeeerrrr!! THIS HORRIBLE OLD HAG IS GOING TO KILL MEEEEHHH!!!" Lumine yelled while running away from Daryun. Since my parents announced to all people here in this dimension, Lumine and Daryun became close

"COME BACK HERE YOU BRAT!" Daryun yelled while chasing Lumine. "master!!! Haaalllpppp!!!" Lumine shouted for help, I just laughed at them. 'kids' I said in my mind

Then I suddenly feel dizzy and wanted to puke. I holded my head in dizziness, Lumine noticed it and stopped running. "mast--" Lumine didn't finish his sentence when Daryun caught him. "let go of my old hag!" Lumine said and tried to scratch Daryun, but Daryun have long arms.

I really wanted to puke so I stood up and rush towards to my room and went towards the toilet bowl. I puke as soon as i sat on the floor beside the toilet bowl. "master?" Lumine called as he went inside the bathroom and saw me sitting on the floor, vomiting.

Lumine run away. Minutes pass by when I heard someone walking in my room. "darling?!" I heard my mom's voice, she... Or should I say, they.. Went in the bathroom and saw me. "what happened?" dad asked, I wanted to cry. I feel so dizzy and wanted to throw up again and again.

"boys! Outside! Now!" I heard grandma said. Footsteps walked away and heard my door closing. "darling, stand up and fix yourself first. We will talk" mom said and walked out of the bathroom. I stood up, flushed it and wash my face before going out. I saw my mom and grandma sitting on my bed.

"dear, come here" my grandma said, so I sat between mom and grandma. Mom hold my hand. My grandma look on my back and put my hair on my shoulder, then she froze. "I knew it" grandma said. We looked at her.

My looked at my back and sighed. "my dear, you don't have to worry ok?" mom said, I looked at her with curiosity. "what is it?" I asked her. Mom looked at me in the eyes, as if she is looking through my soul.

"you are....."

To be continue! *-*)/

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