chap. 22

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Naisha's POV*

'Waaaaah!!!! Why Urara so mean?! 😡😡😡' I said to my mind while rolling on my bed

*knock, knock, knock*

"Come in" I said and the door open "hey ummm Naisha about what I said earlier" urara said making me sit down on my bed with red face

"Pffft hahahahaha joke.... I was just here to ask you a question" urara said seriously "hmmm what is it?" I said

"Why you hate me?" She said making me shock "what do you mean?" I said still confused

"Well.... Back at where we're still in mortal world you hate me right? So what did I did wrong?" She said sadly and I was shock for a moment

"I-it's..... It's because of..... You are with casval...." I said having second thoughts if I'll tell her or not and let my bangs cover my eyes "ehhh?? Is it that big deal?" She said

"Well... Casval is the school campus crush.... All girls have a crush on him.... And---" I cut when she spoke "and you're obsessed with casval right?" She said

"Well.... yes.... But.... His just my past" I said "I know" she said smiling "huh?" I said confusedly

"You like casval but his just your past and now you're in love with gaishi" urara smirk while I blushed redly

"Owemji you're so cute when you blushed just like Zura" she said giggling "hey.... Ummm.... Why you ask that question?" I said making here stop and look at me

"Cuz you used your power to Tripped me" she said "huh?" I said confusedly "remember when you put a crystal ice that make me tripped" she said

"Oh..... Ummmm...... About that.... I'm so so sorry!" I said sincerely then she laugh

"Hahahaha it's OK. Past is past I just leave that on the edge" she said "thank you" I said and gave her a sweet smile

"Ummm.... I have question.... Again, I'm sorry!" She said "oh it's oka and what's your question?" I said

"Ummm.... It's about the long lost princess?" She said "oh about--" I said cut off when Zura came in

"Unfair! You two are talking without me?!" Zura said pouting making me and urara laugh "sorry" i said

"So what's the topic?" Zura said "it's about the long lost princess" urara answered "oh Princess Usagi Shigura?" Zura said

"Usagi Shigura?" Urara said confusedly "yes... Her power light and dark" Zura answered "oh..." Urara said and I remember something

"Urara you said you was born here when you're 3 years old" I said then she nodded "how come you still remember the bloody war?" I said then urara gave me a confused look

"Now that you mention it.... Only royal bloods can have a great memories and the over magicians can't remember there childhood..." Zura said looking at urara while urara was just staring at the floor

"Do you know something that we haven't know yet?" Zura said looking at urara still staring at the floor then she nodded making me and zura shock

"What is it? We're your friends, you can tell us" I said then suddenly a barrier suddenly appeared

"Can you two help me?" She said making us confused "I need to know.... To know about this forgotten past" she said

"Forgotten past?" Zura said confusedly "secret garden- sleep song" urara said out off the blue

"Wait.... I heard it before" I said trying to think on where on east I heard it "Queen Mayuri's lullaby for her son and daughter.... She always sing that" Zura said

"Oh yea! Queen Mayuri sing that and all magicians in this planet always heard her beautiful voice" I said "eh? Is that even possible?" Urara said confused and me and Zura just nodded

"When she sings the beautiful aurora always appeared at the night beautiful sky full of stars" Zura said and I remember the pretty aurora up at the night sky it's so beautiful

"But.... The day Princess Usagi got separated from them..... She stopped singing" Zura said sadly

".... Ummm.... Who's the king?" Urara said "King Matsugi" I said " King Matsugi the Destroyer Manipulator and Dark power" urara said making us shocked 'h-how?' I said to my mind still shocked

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