Chap. 61 Training Part 1

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Naguwi's POV*

Here we are, fighting wild beasts in the forest. At first it took a while to bring a wild beasts down. The little girl, Stea, is a little bit suspicious. She always disappear and appear later on, she said her mother is calling her whenever she disappear. We haven't meet Stea's mother.

"Stea aren't your mother worried about you? I mean, you are here with strangers and you are here alone in the forest" Naisha said. The little girl looked at her and mumbled something. "what? I can't hear you when you are just mumbling it, ya know" Naisha said and crossed her arms while raising her left brows and stare deeply into Stea's eyes.

"I said... I am hungry" Stea said, Naisha's brows' furrowed. "that's n--" Stea cut Naisha's sentence. "my mommy is not that worried, knowing that I can handle myself" Stea said. Naisha rolled her eyes.

"everyone! Time to eat" I called out as I finished cooking the fish we caught a while ago. They all gather around and eat. "so what next?... We already did swimming, hiking, jogging... What should we be doing in our next training?" Zura asked, making us stop eating and look at her except Stea, who still continue eating and minding her food.

"I already asked my mommy about this and she told me a perfect individual training specially prepared for you guys" Stea said without looking at us. "oh really? That's great!" Gaishi commented.

After eating our lunch. Stea told us what to do. "Zura, kindly give me back this unique rock back to me" Stea said as she showed a violet shell-like rock and then she toss it into the deep part of the lake. Zura nodded her head and dive into the water. "Casval, kindly proceed to the flaming cave and never ever come out until I saw so" Stea ordered. The cave is not on fire but it is really hot in there... I swear, even you are just standing at the entrance you could feel the unbearable heat inside of it

Anyways, Casval proceed in the flaming cave. "Naguwi, float in the sky and never hit or land on the ground until I say so" Stea said, I nodded my head and float on the sky. "Naisha, kindly fight an ice type wild beast in the snowing plain and Never ever go back here until I say so... Just continue fighting until I say stop" Stea said. I saw Naisha nod her head and she started walking away.

"Gaishi your training will be a little bit special... heal those broken plants" Stea said as she point towards the broken plants near to where they are standing, Gaishi went towards it. "what's special about healing a plant? Tss" I heard Gaishi complain. "let the Training.... BEGIN!" Stea shouted. Then arrows appeared as it tried to hit me, I dodged and dodged it.

'what the... Where did this arrows cam from?' I said in my mind. I thought it is a little bit easy, until those arrows start chasing me. I can dodge some of it... But I can't dodge it all! I felt like I am losing my balance and focus and start to fall down, but I remember what Stea said... Never hit or land on the ground

I inhale and exhale, then start to focus on floating. It might look like it is not hard to float while dodging arrows. But believe me... Floating needs concentration and stamina, just like an airplane, it needs concentration and fuel.... I keep dodge the arrows and I feel a little bit dizzy now.... Let me correct that... I am now dizzy

It's already dark when Stea called us. So I land on the ground. I got really dizzy so I feel on the ground, panting. I looked around when I notice that they are suspiciously quiet, specially Gaishi. Then there they are, laying on the ground panting while closing their eyes.

"you guys need to eat!" Stea said as she put down a basket and took out the foods inside it. We all sat down on the ground and start eating hungrily. "it might seems our training are easy, but it is sure hella torture" Gaishi commented while munching an apple. I saw how Stea smirk.

Stea look at us one by one. "that's why 'don't judge a book by its cover'... It might not be easy, but I know you guys will improve! That's what mommy told me.... When she told me about this training I thought it would be easy for you guys, but I never thought you would be this problematic with your trainings" Stea said and shrug her shoulders. "hey Casval are you ok?" we looked at Gaishi who is looking at Casval with furrowed brows.

Casval is sweating and pale. "it's just... It's so damn hot inside that flaming cave.. I can't even stay there for 3 seconds" Casval said with a hint of frustration. "you'll get use to it" Stea said and smiled. "Stea, what's the name of your mommy?" Zura asked. Stea looked at her with hesitation. "I... Uhhh.... Hey this fruits are so delicious!" Stea said and eat the grapes. We looked at each other except Stea, who is happily eating the grapes. We gaze back to Stea and never ask about it again


"oh by the way! No one is allowed to sleep... After you guys are done eating, take a small break and continue your training!" Stea said strictly. "what?!?! Can't we continue tomorrow?!" Gaishi complained. "yeah, it is dark so, how can I see where I am going when I go back to that snowy plains, same goes for Casval except that he is going to the flaming cave... and how can Zura see under the lake?" Naisha said

"that is why it is called training! You need to enhance and improve your skills, either it is in day time or night time!" Stea said. Now I realize... Stea's attitude seems familiar... But I can't remember who....

Author~san: sooooo.... Yeaaaahhhhh.... Uhhh... I have nothing to say... Sooo... Have a great day or night everyone!!!

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