Chap. 38 Treasure Hunting (Aeris)

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Naguwi's POV*

We are heading to Aeris.... I... Am kinda.... Not excited like them....

"Naguwi? What's wrong?" Urara asked, I looked at her with my eyes full of sadness. "you'll know soon" I said and continue to walk.

Aw we arrived at the Aeris land, my friends we're astonished to what they saw around here.... Aeris land is indeed astonishing.... You can see magicians riding on a flying clouds, some dragons are flying around the land, a pig with a wing, a lot of different birds, and a lot more...

"OMG! This place is amazing!" Naisha said. "not bad" Urara said looking around her. "so where can we find the gem?" Casval asked making us look at him with disbelief. "so soon?" Gaishi asked with disappointment.

"I don't care... Now, where can we find it? Urara?" Casval said and looked at Urara, who is hesitating to answer him. "Urara... Where?" Casval asked again.

"misty forest...." Urara said. "what?! It's too dangerous in there!" I said, I can't keep silence about this one. "I know" Urara said and looked at me deeply, and I knew... What she meant by it... I nodded my head.

"let's go then" Casval said. We continue our way towards the misty forest here in Aeris. We walked and walked until it got dark.

"where's that forest?" Naisha said, catching her breath. "that's the problem.... Misty forest can't be found until we find it....." I said. "then, let's go and take a break" Urara said.

"we can't camp here" Zura said and looked around. She is right... We can't camp here because there's too many people and probably thinking we are idiots, camping in a town.

"well well well.... Naguwi came back" Said a familiar voice. I looked down on my shoes, preventing myself to look at him. "who are u?" Gaishi asked. "the one and only Rael, Naguwi's FRIEND" He said, emphasizing the word 'friend'

"u had a friend in here before?" Urara asked and I nodded my head not even looking at them... I only fixed my eyes on my shoes. "you didn't even introduce me to your friends.... You are really a demon" Rael said while whispering the last sentence, I didn't spoke nor look at him

"ummm... Guys... Don't know feel it's getting hot in here?" Naisha said and I knew what she meant by that. "let's not waste time in here" Casval said impatiently. "oh? Where are you guys going?" Rael asked. "it's none of your business" Casval said coldly and walk away. "you and your friends... Are just the same... Pest..." Rael said. I clenched my fist and follows Casval

Urara walked beside me "who's that two-faced sh*t?" Urara whispered with a hint of angry. "like he said... His Rael" I whispered back blankly. "heh.... A wolf in a sheep's clothing" Urara whispered back with annoyance. "heh, you hate him already?" I whispered back and she nodded her head. "I don't trust him" she murmurs. 'don't ever... Trust him...' I said to my mind as I stared at Urara blankly, she glance back and got my message

"we will camp in here" Casval said as he stopped his track. We looked around and to our surprise... We are in a forest. We camp for a night and as always... Urara slept first after she ate dinner

Urara's POV*

I don't know why I feel so sleepy.... I slept first than my friends, I feel tired.... As darkness swallowed me, images began to play in my mind

I look around only to see a little boy playing with the other kid.... They are having fun together in the park, as time went by they went home.... Then everything turned blank... I'm having a headache "argh!" the word that was able to escape my mouth while holding my head

It's hurting so much, I opened my left eyes only to see blood over, the headache gets worst and worst, I can't breathe properly, like, something is crushing my heart. I hear crying and shouting around me, I smell smoke all over the place like something is burning.... I.... I...

"URARASAGI!" I woke up panting... I looked around and saw my friends, worriedly looking at me... I felt a cold liquid in my cheeks, I touched my checks and realized... I was crying.... "what happened?" Zura asked worriedly

"e-eh??" I was confused.... "you were holding you head like it is hurting so much, you are even crying in pain... What's wrong?? A nightmare??" Naguwi said. "i-i'ts just a bad dream... I'm sorry..." I said, they signed in relief and they went back to sleep.... I can't sleep so I went out of my tent, feeling the cold wing blowing towards me, I calmed myself

I closed myself and an image pop out in my mind. "Criză? What's wrong dear? Having nightmares? Don't worry my sweetheart, mommy and daddy will always be with you and fight those monster away, OK?" a woman said with her gentle kind voice, my heart feels warm like something is wrapping it. I wanna say what's your name but it I can't speak. I opened my eyes and saw no one...

'just a dream....' I said in my mind. I went in my tent and slept.....


I woke up and went out of my bed and saw my friends except Naguwi.... "where's Naguwi?" I asked, Zura looked at me. "he is missing... I think it's his time to train" Zura said

'almost there, Urara' a familiar voice said in my mind... I knew it came from Usagura. "breakfast is ready!" Naisha announced cheerfully so we dig in.

"Next place we should go is....Flacara, how many days did we traveled so far??" Gaishi said after we had our breakfast. "hmmm, one month already??.... I wonder what's the others doing now and what's their missions" Zura said. "this missions must meant something..." Casval said.

"what do you mean??" Naisha asked. "we are the real royal blooded... Is that why we have to get the gems and be trained?? If that's the case... Why would we need to travel so far? The teachers in the academy can train us... Why would they put their students in danger just to be trained and travel so far??....does this mean..." Casval cutted. "a war is going to happen so enough?" I continued

They became quiet. "or there's something big going to happen??" Zura concluded. "we will find out soon" Gaishi butted in.

It only took 2 days when Naguwi showed up with a white gem in his hand. We continued our travel towards Flacara land.

Unknown's POV*

"we are almost there... You are going to find out soon" I said while looking up at the blue moon. "is this going to be good for her? M'lady, I can't wait to serve you again" he said and kneeled down. "she is one step closer to the truth.... I hope it would end up well" I said.

Author~san: BREAKING NEWS EVERYBODY! I think.... I'm going to disappoint you guys 😉😉😉 just be ready for it! XD SEE YA GUYS NEXT Time! *~(^-^)~*

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