Chap. 18

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Urara's POV*

Today is Sunday and I have no idea what to do so I just walk around the academy

"Look the girl who Is so fc to our prince and princess"

"Yea maybe she's beautiful but I think she's a troublesome"

"Yucks she's so disgusting"

"I'm more beautiful than her"

"Urarasagi~senpai marry me"

"Be mine urarasagi~san"

"Notice me senpai"

"Attention seeker!"




"Urarasagi is so beautiful as always"

*sigh* I don't want attention I don't even like the other girls think of me.


"Oh my bad" clue said as she throw her juice on my face "I though nobody is in front of me, but I guess a pests is here" she said with her b****** face

"Nice one clue~senpai"

I want to cry but I don't want to show it I don't even want to fight back and I want to warn her but I guess I don't need to warn her

"Urarasagi~senpai maybe beautiful but she's a weakling"

"Yea she's not my type anymore"

Good thing that they would gave up there feelings cuz I'm not in too it

"Urara!" I looked at who's calling my name and it's


"Hmmm?" I only said as he began to walk toward to me "oh casval~kun!" Clue said with flirty style 'EDI wow' I said to my mind disgust

"Are you the one I call?" Casval said coldly 'wow for the first time I heard him talk cold' I said to my mind "oh casval~kun leave that bitch be---" clue stopped her sentence as she say casval's angry face

*face palm* 'eh why his angry?' I said to my mind then casval hold my hand and start to walk away with me of course

"Casval??" I said "casval??" I repeated but still no response "casval?!?!" I shouted "h-huh?" He said startled then I just sigh

"Anyway, re you ok?" He said worriedly '😓 like the hell??? When does he know how to worried to someone??? Casval I know from the mortal world don't even care about anything around him but the hell??? 😓' I said to my mind

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