Chap. 50 Battle Of The Royalties

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Naguwi's POV*

As we got inside the arena again, the top of the arena opened up, exposing the sky. The sparring continues. We are actually waiting for our turn until sunset. "I'm tired" Naisha said as she rest her head on Gaishi's shoulder. "why would they keep us here? I'm bored" Gaishi complain. "it is nice tho, you can study their tactics ang abilities. Collecting your own battle plan" I said. Until it got dark and the headmaster give us the time to eat dinner

After eating dinner, the spar continues, then it is finally our turn. "next! Princess Usagi VS. Princess Ranusha!" Mrs. Alonzo said as both princesses stepped in the stage. "I never thought Ranusha is really a princess" Naisha commented. "actually, she's a pure blooded royalty" Casval said.

There's difference between Pure blooded royalty to a prince or princess. Pure blooded royalties, meaning a heir/heiress of the thrown. The thrown itself chooses its owner, you can't just point anyone to be the heiress or heir of the thrown... The thrown chooses a strong ruler, no matter it is a peasant.

"who do you think will win?" Zura asked. "it depends" me and Casval said on unison. "let the battle.... begin!" Mrs. Alonzo announce. Ranusha started to attack, surprisingly she's an ice user, but her ice is made of crystals. Usagi dodged it with... A smile

Ranusha started throwing crystal daggers as Usagi can dodged it swiftly. Ranusha looked pissed and summoned a crystal sword. Usagi summoned her Saber sword. 'that sword.... She's really the real princess of Castle De Vania' I said in my mind. They began sword fighting

Usagi looked bored while sword fighting with Ranusha. Usagi jump up and light up, making Ranusha closed her eyes because of the brightness. In a blink of an eye, Usagi got in front of Ranusha and punch her stomach, making Ranusha fly away and hit the barrier around them. "enough! Princess Usagi wins!" Mrs. Alonzo said.

"light users can be beaten" Naisha said. "I don't think so" Gaishi said. "is there really something to beat light users?" Naisha asked. "I don't know" Gaishi replied. 'Light users.... What is your weakness' I said in my mind and start flashbacking


Me and Urara are here in the playground watching the stars. This playground is just near the orphanage. "I'm amaze how light can glow in the dark attractively" I said. "can light be defeated?" Urara asked out of the blue. "I don't think there's a way to defeat light" I said

"dark magic can" she said. I looked at her confusedly. "dark can never defeat light" I said, she chuckled and poke the tip of my nose. "not all dark users are bad, sometimes, our known kind can deceive you" she said. "okok, what can dark users do to defeat light?" I said

"dark energy" she responded. "dark energy?" I asked confusedly. "dark energy it is a theoretical repulsive force that counteracts gravity and causes the universe to expand at an accelerating rate" Urara said. "what? I don't understand a thing! And how did you get this knowledge?" I said

"you don't need to know where did this knowledge came from... You need to learn and prepare yourself, dark users can use dark energy to counteracts gravity as it is also expand a universe. Now think of it... Light users are humans, they need oxygen to breathe and live. That way, dark users can win... Altho, dark energy is really risky that's why the only one who could control a dark energy is a pure blooded royalty of dark element" Urara said.

"Urara, what is this for?" I said and scratch the back of my head, I've been really confused about what the hell is she talking. "Naguwi... If you encounter a light user... You need to be merciless if you want to help..." Urara said making me really confused. "when a light user is going out of control and in rage.... You should suffocate them... Don't kill them of course... Just suffocate them and let them breath deeply, by breathing deeply, they can cool of their heads" Urara said. I was going to say something when a meteor shower showed up.

~end of flashback~

"naguwi?..." I look beside me and notice Zyra keep calling my name "are you OK? I've been calling your name, but it seems like your mind is occupied" Zura added. "hey guys! Let's cheer Naisha!" Gaishi said, I looked in front and saw Naisha battling a water users.

"can Naisha win?" Zura asked as she rest her head on my shoulder. "u-uhh maybe?" I stutter. "I bet she'll win!" Gaishi said. I observe Naisha and her enemy. "Naisha won't win" I said making them look at me. "she can freeze the water" Zura said. "it's because she's hesitating to attack nor hurt her sparring partner" Casval said. "indeed" I agreed to what Casval has said.

"why is she hesitating?" Zura asked. "I don't know... Maybe she has a past with him?" I said. "if he dares stole MY Naisha to me... I'll kill him!" Gaishi said. "Goodluck on that" I said. After Naisha and her sparring partner's match, Naisha did really lose.

It is now Zura and an Ice user's match. The ice user has the advantage, since she can freeze Zura's attack, unless Zura can find a way to make impossible, possible. I already remembered every word Urara said to me back in the orphanage. A water user can win over an Ice user not just by magic... But by its tactics and tricks. In the end, Zura lost

"she can freeze the attacks I made" Zura said as she went back to her seat after the match. "it's OK, there's always next time" Naisha said. "Next! Prince Gaishi VS Prince Naguwi!" Mrs. Alonzo announced, so we stepped on the stage. 'sorry bud, your going to lose' I said in my mind as teacher Urara already explained me the details. It can't be called cheating, right?

"let the battle... Begin!" Mrs. Alonzo announced. Gaishi started to attack with his throny vines. I cutted the vines into small pieces with my windy slash before the throny vines can approach me. Gaishi throwed a rose with a sharp edge towards me, I back flipped away from it, surprisingly that rose blowed into petals. I cast a tordano to blow the petals away, like Urara said to me, 'flowers can contain many chemicals, so don't judge it by what it looks like.. It can be very dangerous if you let your guard down, you don't know what tricks your enemy is pulling'

Gaishi grown a big plant monster, who eats anything. I simply cut the plant monster into pieces with my windy slash. I speed up at Gaishi's back and clap my hands once, making Gaishi fall on his knees and covering his ear like he heard a loud sound. To be honest, a pure blooded air elementalist like me, can control sound waves that's why Gaishi is like than. In the end, I won

"for the last battle! Prince Casval and Prince Makoto!" Mrs. Alonzo announced as me and Gaishi went back to our seats. "Goodluck Cascas!" Ranusha cheered Casval as he went on the stage facing Makoto

Author~san: another update.... I just can't help it... I just thought of this plot so I typed it to publish so I can't forget the plot of the story I thought of... Anyways! Have a great night or day to you everyone! This is the first time I updated a lot of chapter.... And oh! I come up with the continuation of this story, maybe tomorrow I could update again... So.... Ciao! 😆😆😆

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