Urakoto Moments

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Urara's POV*

So today I'm walking at the hallway with my books..... It's still early today but I just want to go to the library to read books


"I'm so sorry are you OK?" Said an familiar voice so I look up to see


"Yea I'm fine..... I'm sorry" I said then stand up. I was going to pick my books but then Makoto pinned my at the wall

"M-makoto?" I stutter "pls notice my love" he said whispering but i heared it loud and clear

"H-huh?" I stutter then he come closer me

Closer and closer until we kissed. I blushed redly I don't know what to do then he broke the kissed then gave me a killer smile then he walked away

"W-what just happened?" I said to myself still not recovering from the kiss then I shook my head and pick my books

As I was walking towards the library I still can't believe what just happened

I was still shock and blushing redly until I got to the library

Makoto's POV*

'You're mine and mine only' I said to my mind smiling I still can't believe I totally did it now no one will steal her away from me

"Oi!" A familiar voice called so I looked at him still smiling "what are you smiling for makoto?" He said with his angry face "none of your business" I said still smiling and walk away

"Makoto~~~" G5

"Be mine!" G3

"Notice me!" G10

"Marry me!" G1

'I'm sorry girls but Urara will still be in my heart and no one would ever replace her' I said to my mind

"Why so smiley?" Said a friend of mine "hey nino" I said then he just nod "why so happy?" Nino said "have a problem with that?" I said then he shook his head "no. Not at all" he said

We're still walking to this long long hallway 'wait for the right time' I said to my mind

"Hope you still didn't forgot about your priority" nino said "of course I won't" I said then he just nod

"Hey guys!" Said a familiar voice "hey hecktor" said nino "hey nino and hey makoto" hecktor said "hey hecktor" I said then we continue to walk

"Have any plans for today?" Hecktor said "no plans at all" I said "then that means let's go to the town!" Hecktor said "that's a great idea! I want to buy what I like!" Nino said "OK" I said

"Ok later guys!" Hecktor said and go to his room so as me and nino

~time skip dismissal~

Me and nino are waiting hecktor at the gate "that boy!" Nino said impatiently "sorry guys I'm late!" Hecktor said running towards us

"You are 15 minutes late you know!" Nino said angrily "I'm sorry!" Hecktor said

Then we walk towards the town.


Finally we're here "finally!" Hecktor said excitedly "I'm going!" Nino said then run towards the town "cheater!" Hecktor said and started to run away "what a kids" I said then walk ALONE! 😑😑😑

As I got to the town I spotted nino and hecktor going to other stores in here. I sigh at their behavior

Then walk around the town and shops finding what I like to buy

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