Chap 33 Treasure Hunting Part 4

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Urara's POV*

I went back to my friends still digesting all of it..... 'Who's him?'.....

"a Penney for your thoughts?" Naguwi snapped "o-oh sorry" I said and smiled awkwardly.... We are still in the ruins, waiting and planning on how can we take back Gaishi

"I keep diving in the water but.... It's still the same.... The pond is not that deep" Zura said stressfully. "let's just wait and trust Gaishi... I know he will come back" I said confidently..... 'Usagura is right.... I should... I mean... We should trust him'

"guys, we can't waste our time waiting for someone! We need to find the gems as soon as possible!" Casval shouted making us gasp. Naisha slapped Casval's face while crying. Our eyes widen "HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT! WE HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR THE GEM! WHY ARE YOU IN A RUSH?! ARE YOU SAYING THAT WE NEED TO LEAVE GAISHI BEHIND?!" Naisha said angryly while crying

I noticed that the pond glowed "GUYS!" I shouted making their attention on me, while I was just staring at the glowing pond, they soon change their gazes and noticed the pond glowing green "w-what's happening?" Zura asked

"YOW BABIES! THE KING OF THE WORLD IS BACK!" A man's voice said and soon the glowing light of the pond began to disappear. And their he was, standing right in front of the pond. None of us dared to move

"aren't you guys happy to see me?" Gaishi said. Naisha is the first one to move. She hugged, punched, kicked, and pulling his hair, while she was crying. "DAMN YOU GAISHI! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!?!" Naisha said

I laughed at the scene while Zura giggled. "dude! Where have you been?" Naguwi said and walk towards Gaishi and gave bear hug

"well, look what I got" Gaishi spoke and took something in his pocket. We gasp as we saw a green gem. "I-is this...." Zura said unbelievably

"yes.... It's the gem" Gaishi said proudly. "ahem, let's all rest and tomorrow, we move" Casval said

"killjoy" Naisha said and rolled her eyes. I saw Casval's pissed face but let it slip off. We chatted for a little bit. I found myself staring at Casval's Blue eyes, it look like it was a clear water, to be honest, it really does.....

"Stop staring at Casval's eyes, Ranusha might be angry at you" Naisha whispered and my eyes widen and switch my gaze, I heard Naisha and Zura chuckling beside me

"girls, you should sleep now" Gaishi said, we nodded our heads. "bonum nocte" I said out of the blue. They looked at me weirdly while I looked at them confusedly "did I say something wrong?" I added confusedly. They looked at each other and back to me

"what's bonum nocte?" Naguwi spoke, I looked at him weirdly. "bonum nocte? What do you mean? I said just said 'Good night' not bonuhsjsja whatever that is" I said

Naisha just shrugged her shoulders and dragged me inside our tent. We fell asleep tiredly.

Here I am again, at the glowing huge cherry blossom and flaming flowers surrounding it. I was staring at the Cheery blossom when I felt a strong presence beside me, I look on my left and saw the boy with calm ocean blue eyes "salve (hi)" he spoke with his deep manly voice. His scent is making me addicted. "s-salve (Hello)" I spoke. I don't know why I understand the language even if I haven't encountered it yet

"Eam iam diu tempore post hoc erimus tamquam non habens colloquium (It's been a long time since we are having a conversation like this)" He said. "Vere? (really?)" I said and he nodded his head. He looked at me with his beautiful but sad blue eyes, I saw the longing and painful in his eyes as it stared my blue orbs. Ranusha's face flashed inside my head..... 'how can I beat her? She's perfect and all..... I-i can't beat her goddess-looks' I said to my mind and looked down on the ground, avoiding his gaze. But to my surprise....... He lift up my chin and kissed my lips

My eyes widen. I closed my eyes...... Then..... I woke up breathing heavyly like I was drowned on a deep sea

"hey,you ok? Your face is red like a tomato" Naisha said looking at me worriedly, Zura must heard Naisha that made her wake up and look at me with worried eyes

"I-I'm fine" I said and force a smile, they look at each other and back to me "it's just a crazy dream" I said, they nodded their heads and sleep again. I can't sleep again so I went out to out tent and sat on the grass. I looked up at the starry sky, the wind is cold but it feels nice and calming

"why are you still awake?" a man's voice said, I looked at the voice's direction and saw Casval standing not so far from me. I smiled at him "I can't go back to sleep" I said. He sat beside me and look up at the starry sky. All I did was to stare at his clear blue eyes

"why are you staring at me?" he asked not even glancing me, my eyes widen and looked away. "your eyes..... It's beautiful...... Its like it was made from a clear water....." I said then I heard him giggle. He patted my head and smiled at me, I looked away....

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