Chap. 46 Black Knight

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Lumine's POV*

Me and Master is on a journey towards antiquorumÎntuneric VechiLux Palace. We learned and collected a lot of information about ÎntunericLux land, the central land of the five pillars around this dimension

"Lumine, we are almost there" master said. We have been on a journey for a long time now. I can't even count all the mythical creatures we already hunt down in our past adventures.

"master, can I ask a question?" I asked, she looked at me. "of course" she said with a smile. "why do we need to go there?" I asked. "just a hunch... I feel like I have been here" she said.

Minutes pass by and we finally got outside the wall of ÎntunericLux Land. "who are you?!" a guard approached us. "travelers from Agenta Land" my master said. "what's your business in here?" the other guard asked.

"I might know where your lost princess went" my master said making them point their spears toward us, I growled at them. Then a man with black hair tied in a pony tail came out, gazing at us. "what is happening here?" the man asked with furrowed brows

"Sir, this little girl said, she might knows where the lost princess went" the guard said. The man glared at us. "come in" the man said and went inside, my master and I followed him inside.

We are in a town full of people. They are watching us passing by. "what's your name?" the man asked my master. "Urarasagi" my master said, then the man looked at me as if he is asking my name. "his Lumine" my master said as she noticed him eying on me.

As we got in front of the castle's gate, the guards opened the gate and bowed as we continue our way inside the castle. We stopped in front of a black doubled big door, with gems and crystals on it. "behave yourselves in front of the majesty" he said and gave us a warning glare.

He knocked on the door 3 times before opening it. We followed him inside, we noticed him kneeling down so we kneeled down. "Daryun, who is this our cute guests here?" a woman's gentle sweet voice echoed

"this little girl said, she might know where the lost princess went" this Daryun guy said. "oh? Talk little girl" a man's overwhelming aura said. My master stand up and faced the majesties, so I did the same. I didn't saw the Queen and King's faces since they wearing masks. "the girl with black hair and blue eyes? The long lost princess of Vanasha World, right?" my master said

I noticed the majesty sighed with a hint of disappointment. "it is not about her my dear" the king said. "what?" my master seems confused. "dear, you seems tired, go and rest for a while" the Queen said.

My master wanted to say something but Daryun push master's back gently towards the door. "little girl, you heard what the Queen said, rest" Daryun said and leaded the way. We followed him

As we are inside a room. Daryun stared at master, I panicked. I went in front of master and growled at Daryun, he looked down at me since I'm 'Small'. "you! Don't ever think of doing something weird! Not on my watch!" I continued growling at him. "what are you thinking little kid?" Daryun said with his fierce eyes like he wanted to eat me.

I whimpered and jump on my master's arms, whimpering. "I should be the one saying, don't do any reckless behavior in front of the royal highnesses. Not on my watch" he said and glared at us. He walked out of the room.

"master, what now?" I asked. "Lumine, I am so confused... I thought they are looking for Usagi...." my master said. "master are you going to believe that she is the real princess of Castle de Vania?" I asked. My master stayed quiet.

I jumped down as she lay down on the bed. I jumped on the bed and sitted beside her head "I missed my friends" my master said and smiled bitterly, tears started forming in her eyes. I place my paw on his cheek. She looked at me. "you have me master" I said and smile, my master smiled

???'s POV*

"is she really back? Is that really her? Is that really my baby?" my wife keep going on and on about her while she is crying. I hugged her. "shhh, my beloved wife, calm down calm down... We are not sure yet" I said to her as I comforted her

Our loyal knight came in and kneeled down. "she is now asleep, my lord, my lady" he said. "thank you" I said,my wife looked at him. "pls watch over her" my wife said. He bowed his head and exited

"I got this feeling that she is my baby" my wife said, I sighed. "wife, calm yourself down... I know how you feel, but pls mind your image, ok?" I said, she looked at me. She sighed and finally smiled. "ok... But can we keep her for now? I just need days to be with her" my wife said, I sighed and nodded my head. "but, until we got the proof" I said. Tears began to build in my wife's eyes and nodded her head

My wife fell asleep as she got tired of crying. I carried her to our bed and tuck her in and kissed her forehead. "have a good rest, my beloved wife... Tomorrow is a new day for you" I said while caressing her beautiful smooth hair. I stood up and sitted beside the window, watching the moon and stars shining through the dark sky. I looked at my wife sleeping peacefully.

'I know you've been through a lot.... I feel your pain... I feel your sorrow and grief... I feel yourself stuck in the dark... Even I can't give light.... Because... I have been born in the dark.... You are my light'

Author~San: sorry for the long update 😌😌😌 I am a bit busy this days... Ahem.... So, change topic! Daryun's picture is in the multi-media! '^') I am almost thereeee... So keep looking forward everyone! Bless you all with love!    \(*^*)/

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