Chap. 65 Bloody Moon

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Chaos' POV*

"Tonight, after the fight, you will marry Shauran aurum Bandit, so excuses. That is final" King Caliginis a.k.a my father said. I look at him with disbelief and look at the purple haired girl that I need to 'marry'. She even cheated her boyfriend just because she  wanted to prove herself that she loves me. This is freaking annoying!

I storm out of the throne room and went to Usagi, who has been locked up. She immediately notice my presence and look up at me.

"I didn't expect you to be in here" she said and smiled. I stared at her thinking how could she smile in her situation. "don't stare at me like that or I'll melt" she said and chuckled. I sighed. "If you have been given to wish something you desire... What would it be?" I asked. She looks confused for a while then laughed.

"seriously?" she look at me while laughing. I just looked at her with seriousness. Usagi rolled her eyes and faces me seriously. "do you really want to know" she asked me. "would I ask you if I don't want to know?" o said sarcastically. She sighed and looked at me with seriousness

"I want to wish that you could learn to love me" she said, making me frown. She is looking at me seriously with a bit sadness in her eyes.


Third person's POV*

Casval and his friends went back to Vasania Academy. They are asking the same question in their head. Naguwi sighed in frustration and pull his own hair.

"I won't stick on Ura-- I mean Criză's business if she is still not ready to tell me yet... I know someday she will open up" Zura said as she can't help the tension around them. Naisha sighed and nodded her head. "yeah she will open up... She will explain to us" Naisha said and smiled at them, Gaishi sighed and finally smiled.

"is it me or does Stea looks a little bit like Criză?" Gaishi suddenly said, they all look at him. "now that you've mention it..." Naisha said as she realize something. "maybe her little sister?" Naguwi said more like questioning. Casval slapped the table. "she can't have a daughter!" Casval suddenly yelled, they all look at him confusely.

Casval suddenly realized what he did so he sat down quietly. "pfft... I think someone is in love" Gaishi said in a teasing way. Casval glared at him. "oops! I didn't say any name" Gaishi added with a smirk on his face. Casval got irritated so he smack Gaishi's head. Naisha, Zura, and Naguwi laughed at the scene.

"ATTENTION EVERYONE! THE VASANOA BORDERS HAS BEEN DESTROYED!" A panicking voice said through the speakers around the corner of their academy. Naguwi and his friend immediately stood up and rush outside the academy.

(author~san: our turret has been destroyed \(*-*)/)

(Naisha: that's why you guys shouldn't play ml too much... Look at our dear author now! She looks like a fool thinking about ml while doing the story)

(author~san: it's none of ya business bish!)

(Usagi: can you stop being so childish?! Bunch of kids! You guys are so annoying!)

(Criză: can you stop this nonsense argument and continue the story?!)

(author~san: aye ma'am! *salutes*)

The students in Vasania Academy also rush out of the academy. They are all startled when serpents appeared waiting outside their academy. The sky went dark so they look up only to see the moon blocking the sun.

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