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( Meme owner: ME!!!! X3 )

I slowly woke up from my status. I slowly bared my surroundings. Their were things called trees and bushes all around me. I must be in a forest. There was a quiet clear energon stream beside me.

I kicked the top of my pod off and slowly climbed out. The Earth atmosphere felt calm and peaceful with the wind blowing against my mask and shades.

I heard the sound of a ground bridge and froze to listen.

"Proceed with caution, it may be a Decepticon." Said a deep voice.

I hid in the shadows of the forest, still in view of my pod. With my midnight black finish, I was unnoticeable in the night cycle.

"I have found the pod, but no Cybertronian. Ratchet, can you scan the area for life signals?" Asked the same voice I had heard before. It was a tall red and blue mech with his cannons ready.

Behind the tall mech was a small blue and pink femme. She looked familiar. Her name was..... Arcee, right?

And the most noticeable of all, was a giant olive green robot, wreaking ball in one servo, blaster in the other. I've seen him in the Wrecker unit. I believe his name was Bulkhead.

"Are you sure?" Asked the red and blue mech. "Copy."

"Come out so we can see you fragger!" Yelled Arcee. They all looked my way, aiming their weapons. I don't think they will..... like what they see.

I slowly walked out from the shadows, waiting for them to react in horror. But they didn't, they just aimed with determination in their optics.

"State your name, soldier." Said the red and blue mech. I just tilted my head to him. Did he just call me 'soldier'?

"Talk!" Arcee yelled. "Or I'll make you talk!"

I put my head up a bit straighter and made myself grow a bit taller. I wasn't at my full height, I was slouching.

By the time I stood at full height, I was a bit taller than Bulkhead's height. The three stared in awe and disbelief.

"I think she's threatening us!" Bulkhead said, charging his weapon.

I took a step forward to what seemed to be the leader. I lifted my servo and placed it on his sign. He tilted his head. I pointed to the sign, and then my torn shoulder. A story for another day.

"You are an Autobot?" The mech asked.

I shook my head. I touched his sign and made a light 'X' on it. He seemed to get it.

"You have not chosen a side?" I nodded, stepping back a bit to give him his space back. Arcee and Bulkhead looked at each other in confusion.

"Sir, with all due respect, she could be a spy. No side or not, I've known a few mechs and femmes who had chosen a side to spy on." Arcee said.

I walked to her and bent down a bit. I touched her gem on her head and she growled and whipped back. I smiled under my mask and held my hand up. I projected words from what I thought.

'Nice to meet you once again, Arcee.' It Said and I used my hand to turn it off. She looked freaked out. I turned to Bulkhead. He stepped back and I closed my eyes.

"What is she doing? She's freaking me out, Optimus!" I perked to the name. 'Optimus'.

I turned to he red and blue mech and back to Bulkhead. 'You are just as I remember you, Bulkhead. Nothing has changed.' Bulkhead jumped and aimed his cannon.

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