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(Song Above: Help)

Ratchet muttered as he typed away on his computer. I listened as I traced the art of me. I miss Carrier.

"Are you ready, Shadowcaller?" Ratchet suddenly asked. I looked at him, confused.

"Ready for what?" I asked.

Ratchet turned from his computer to look at me. He sighed and walked over, bending down to my level.

"We're leaving the base. I don't want you to come with but I don't really have an option." He said.

I gasped. "Am I going home!?"

"No," he said apologetically. "We're going on a... scavenger hunt."

I slouched. "Oh."

"Hey, cheer up," he said. "At least you'll be out of this small space!"

I sighed and nodded slowly. "Okay."

"Come on," Ratchet said. "We're meeting up with someone."

I stood and yawned. I rubbed my eyes. It was early in the morning, anyway.

Ratchet started the ground bridge. I looked at the bridge to Ratchet. He walked towards the portal and looked at me.

"Well? Coming?" He asked.

I nodded and jogged over to him. He continued through the bridge and I followed behind.

A white, grey, green and red mech leaned on a ship as he threw a grenade in the air, catching it. I watched until he noticed us.

"So the boss called for some back up?" He asked with a sly smirk. I was unnoticed.

"For your information, Optimus wanted you to be supervised." Ratchet snapped. He didn't seem to like this mech.

"Whatever you say, Doc." He said. I stood beside him.

"Please don't call me 'Doc'." Ratchet asked.

"Whatever you say, sunshine."

Ratchet growled with balled fists.

I saw the grenade on his hip and reached for it. That's when the mech noticed me.

"Oh? Who's the sparkling? This the one Bulk told me 'bout?" He asked, roughly ruffling my helm.

"I'm Shadowcaller!" I Said.

"Shadowcaller..." he repeated. "Nice name. Name of a wrecker! Names Wheeljack, kid." He said with a smile.

I smiled. I liked him already.

"Is that a grenade?" I asked, pointing to the thing on his hip. He nodded and I knew I was right.

"Yeah. Don't touch it, though. Doc might get mad." He said.

"MY NAME IS NOT DOC!" Ratchet yelled from the ship. He had already entered.

Wheeljack and I stiffened our laughs.

"So, when did Team Prime find ya? Didn't see you last time I was there." Wheeljack asked as he lifted me to his shoulders.

I held onto his 'ears' and hummed. "They didn't find me. Carrier and I were running and she called the Autobots. We were almost here but then I was the only one that entered."

Wheeljack was quiet. "I'm sorry for asking."

"No, it's okay," I said. "She's still alive! So is Sire! But I can't go home for a while."

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