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( Fanart Owner: IDK )
( Song: Castle - I love this song so much :D )

I ran past the field. The base was breached and many died. I was maybe the only one that survived except Arachnid, Venom, and three others. The three were running with me. Guards of mine. The pod was in my grasp and they did not question my doing with it.

"My lord!" Yelled an orange mech. He was a medic warrior for the unit. His name was Scalpel I believe. "We must find shelter! If we do not, we will parish!"

I gave a nod and quickly looked around. "INCOMING!" Yelled a dark blue mech. He used his mini gun to shoot off the intruders. His name was Tide I think.

"We shall protect you, my lord!" Said a golden femme. Her name was Firestone. She ran with her katanas behind her as she gracefully sliced others up.

I used my whip to fight as we ran. We never slowed even when we were shot.

"UGH!" Tide yelled when a shot entered his leg. "TAKE THAT SLAGGERS!!! YOU FRAG WITH ME YOUR SPARK WILL BE POWDER!!!" He shot at any Cybertronian that looked at him.

Scalpel ran to Tide and picked him up. They ran, well Tide hopped, but were not a meter behind.

Tide was a valuable asset. If he died, we would too. His aim and fire power was on point and if he died, or defense dies with it.

I found a cave and ran to it. We slid in and Tide cursed under his breath. Scalpel hurried as he fixed Tide's wound. Firestone still held her weapons and was on point. Energon dripped off her armor, but it wasn't hers. I checked the pod and found it fine.

"My lord," I turned to Scalpel. "I'm afraid I do not have to tools to care for Tide's wound..... We have to leave him. He will just slow us down....."

I shook my head and looked at the grunting mech. Energon was making a puddle under him. I looked at the pod and thought hard.

"It's the only way...." Scalpel whispered in a sad tone.

I caught a glimpse of Firestone looking at Tide with tears in her eyes. I knew they were close, and I knew one thing now. They were sparkmates. I shook my head and tore my middle armor off. Scalpel flinched.

I walked over to Tide and wrapped my armor around his wound. Soft metal showed, but who was I to care?

Tide gave me a confused look. "You really are a different leader....." he said. I gave a single nod and finished covering the wound. No more energon leaked, so I did it right.

I sat down to the side and checked my hip. It hurt again from the running. The tear was still there.

Firestone came to me with a soft smile. "Thank you, my lord." I gave a nod and then let it hang.

I looked back up and stood. She watched and I told her in sign language she can rest. She gave a nod and walked over to Tide. I gave a soft smile to myself.

I guess I fell asleep because I was being shook awake. "My lord," I looked over to see Scalpel. "We have to leave! Decepticons are on the way!"

I jumped up and grabbed he pod. Firestone and Tide were up and ready. We gave each other nods and I looked at Scalpel. He gave a scared expression, but nodded.

Scalpel was a young Spark Collector, really. Maybe around fifteen in human years. Tide, Firestone, and I were older, Tide being the oldest at twenty-five in human years.

I looked at a the opening and heard shouting and such. We had to make a run for it. I was ready to run. And, we ran together.

Scalpel was right beside me while Firestone and Tide were a bit behind. We ran far away from the crowed of cons, but they still saw our fleeing frames.

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