Thy Children Shan't Shape Like Clay

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(Song Above: Impossible)

(Art Belongs To: osipin999 On Tumblr)

Many secrets will be revealed in this chapter so please try to find as many as possible. Some will not be answered until the sequel.

😠And if you are reading this you liar don't you dare talk to me again😠



I remember when I was a sparkling. I was training for war and battle for as long as I can remember. Doing our 'treatment' was torture. No one was trusted enough. And our main objective was to never spill information.

I already told my name, told secrets I have, told my weakness, broke our code. But I still have things I have never told anyone.

I have changed over the years but there is one thing that has never changed: I have always protected the ones I love.

We never knew who our parents were. When we would ask they would say they abandoned us. If I thought any better I'd say my Sire and Carrier were in that base. Maybe some did abandon their sparklings, but I know that some didn't.

The rebel Spark Collectors were a band of rebels that ran away from base and survived. Many of us were given missions to kill them. Sure we were successful in most, but others survived.

Soundstorm had a twin, yes. Visor, slim features, but not so much a mute. He is the reason I hated Soundwave at first. I thought Soundwave would betray me. But he didn't.


Was it from loyalty to Megatron? Did he fear me? Whatever the reason, I doubt he will ever betray me. And if he does it wouldn't surprise me. All Spark Collectors betray.

I hated being in that base. But didn't I leave? Sunbleach was carrying at the time I was thinking and planning it out. I couldn't leave her. I wanted her to come with me but she said that she was needed at the base. So I stayed. And she died.

I heard what Knockout said to Megatron about Shadowcaller. That Shadowcaller wasn't normal and built in a lab

That isn't completely true.

Shadowcaller was born. Sunbleach has a mission on a different planet to kill Fireblade but failed. But Shadowcaller was originally going to die. His energon was low. They took him to the lab and saved his life by 'experimenting' on him. I wish there was a better word to describe it.

We were never easy to shape. Spark Collectors have been born to never snap, never break, never change. We were called many things.

Unicron's Decedents, Spark Collectors, Life Suckers, And many others. But there was one victim I had that never called me anything but a single Earth word: clay.

I was confused. He could have said many things but said 'clay'. Perhaps because we can't change shape.

When I killed him his last words still roam in my mind.

"You will never understand, not in time. Darkness always comes when light is well."

That mech was an old librarian. He seemed to be the wise type. But wise words can't save your mortality.

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